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Weight loss for sleeve patients


New Member
Has anyone on here that has had the sleeve, had a great weight loss in the beginning then suddenly stopped losing weight for no reason? If so what did you do to overcome the wall?

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I was sleeved 16 weeks ago. I've lost 49 lbs so far (incl. pre op) but in a very steady way. On average 2 lbs a week. But I've had weight loss stalls before and for me this worked:
1st you reduce your carbs. Once this stops working you go on a one week fat fast. It kick starts your system. You might want to try it... Good luck!
Hi Tazz 76 I had sleeve on 7th May and 1st week lost 13lb. I'm 3 weeks out now and still only lost 16lb altogether, but I think cos we are eating small amounts our bodies are going into starvation mode and weightloss will kick in again soon. Any one correct me if i'm wrong!!!!!!
I'm still on purée diet at the moment so my carbs and protein are balanced due to some recipes I got prior to surgery from a class that I attend. Madcatwomen you maybe right about the small amount I am eating I do try to eat little and often but I am getting hungry quickly after eating may I'm not eating enough?

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I read somewhere that less than 900cal puts your body into starvation mode. I,m trying to hit 1000cal but don't make it every day. Reading other peoples posts on here it looks like a stall is a common problem and weight loss will kick in again soon. That's what i'm hoping for anyway!!!!
Calories is something I need to start counting it will be easier when I start on soft diet at the moment all my purée food is pre cooked and frozen into ice cube size portions. I'm having approx 1-2 tbsp of food every two to three hours

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Hiya. thought I'd pop in and offer a little bit of advice and query a couple of things.

Tazz, you say your carbs and protein are balanced? Do you mean that you're having the same amount of each? If so, that's probably too many carbs. I was told 6 parts protein to 2 parts carbs, 2 parts veg, 2 parts fruit and supplements too.

Most people aren't advised to calorie count but eating enough is very important to maintain weight loss, so if counting helps you get your intake up a bit, then I guess you should go for it!

It's also important to make sure that you're drinking enough and also have started some form of exercise too....probably just walking at this stage.

All that said, it is quite normal to experience little stalls along the way.

I'm 18 weeks post op on Thursday this week and have lost a total of 6.5st from the start of my pre op diet (2 weeks) which is quite alot, quite quickly for a sleever I believe and we are all different.

Good luck with your weightloss, sure you'll overcome your little stall very soon.
I have lost almost 9 stone with my sleeve. The weight loss does slow down as you can eat more, at that point you have to work at it harder - wind up the exercise!

I don't know any sleevers whose weight loss stopped and they didn't know why. Like all wls it's not a magic wand and you have to work with it x
Sorry I'm talking long term and you're obviously very early days! I'm sure it'll start again for you soon x
Hiya. thought I'd pop in and offer a little bit of advice and query a couple of things.

Tazz, you say your carbs and protein are balanced? Do you mean that you're having the same amount of each? If so, that's probably too many carbs. I was told 6 parts protein to 2 parts carbs, 2 parts veg, 2 parts fruit and supplements too.

Most people aren't advised to calorie count but eating enough is very important to maintain weight loss, so if counting helps you get your intake up a bit, then I guess you should go for it!

It's also important to make sure that you're drinking enough and also have started some form of exercise too....probably just walking at this stage.

All that said, it is quite normal to experience little stalls along the way.

I'm 18 weeks post op on Thursday this week and have lost a total of 6.5st from the start of my pre op diet (2 weeks) which is quite alot, quite quickly for a sleever I believe and we are all different.

Good luck with your weightloss, sure you'll overcome your little stall very soon.[/
My purée meals I'm having are from a booklet that the health trainers and the dietician's have worked out so they are balanced meals probably along the lines of the portions you mentioned. They are mainly high in protein and veg added not many with starchy carbs in. Your right about the fluid I'm probably not taking in enough which really I know I should be. It's funny that I posted about the lack of weight loss and today I discovered I'd lost another 2lb so I guess I was just being paranoid. The exercise side of it, I'm doing 40 minute cardio sessions twice week (just light stuff) for now and doing more walking in general day to day activities. It looks like I'm ticking all the right boxes so I guess i got chill more and let the op do the work for a while thanks for the advice though much appreciated. x

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My purée meals I'm having are from a booklet that the health trainers and the dietician's have worked out so they are balanced meals probably along the lines of the portions you mentioned. They are mainly high in protein and veg added not many with starchy carbs in. Your right about the fluid I'm probably not taking in enough which really I know I should be. It's funny that I posted about the lack of weight loss and today I discovered I'd lost another 2lb so I guess I was just being paranoid. The exercise side of it, I'm doing 40 minute cardio sessions twice week (just light stuff) for now and doing more walking in general day to day activities. It looks like I'm ticking all the right boxes so I guess i got chill more and let the op do the work for a while thanks for the advice though much appreciated. x

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