New Member
Hiya People
I thought I would take the bull by the horns today and see how my pct stands in as far as plastics after weight loss surgery.
He (my gp) wasnt 100% sure about where the pct stands with regards to funding for plastics, but he did say he is quite sure that a short while ago ( 8 weeks ago) all funding for plastics in Essex was withdrawn, he did say that he would look into it for me and if there was a way through the system possible for me then he would happily refer me, I know this wasn't the ideal solution ( funding withdrawn) but just the fact he is willing to refer me anyway made all the difference to me, I showed him my over hang and he said there is quite a significant overhang and if he can help in anyway then he would, even though the outcome wasn't what I wanted I still managed to walk out of the gp surgery with a big smile on my face knowing I have his and my surgeons support, who knows maybe I could go through the exceptional circumstances route with my over hang/infections/sores/how it effects me personally etc - All I can say is watch this space -
- Thanks in advance for reading - Julie xxx
I thought I would take the bull by the horns today and see how my pct stands in as far as plastics after weight loss surgery.
He (my gp) wasnt 100% sure about where the pct stands with regards to funding for plastics, but he did say he is quite sure that a short while ago ( 8 weeks ago) all funding for plastics in Essex was withdrawn, he did say that he would look into it for me and if there was a way through the system possible for me then he would happily refer me, I know this wasn't the ideal solution ( funding withdrawn) but just the fact he is willing to refer me anyway made all the difference to me, I showed him my over hang and he said there is quite a significant overhang and if he can help in anyway then he would, even though the outcome wasn't what I wanted I still managed to walk out of the gp surgery with a big smile on my face knowing I have his and my surgeons support, who knows maybe I could go through the exceptional circumstances route with my over hang/infections/sores/how it effects me personally etc - All I can say is watch this space -