hi everyone as some of you know i am waiting for my intitial appointment from chicester and have been waiting for 7 months now.
anyways i posted yesterday saying how fed up i am of waiting and being fat.
today i recieve a phone call from the appointments at chicester biatric unit saying there is a letter in the post saying i have an app. for this friday!!!!!! before she can finish i am practically screaming down the phone with excitement but....
she then goes on to say that the letter is a mistake and the appointment is not for me. i have gone from elateted to deflated in a matter of minutes!!!!!! she did apologise and informed me i should be getting my app. through late april early july!
i am not too disappointed now as the time frame is only 6/8 weeks maxium and i am having a sleep apnea test done on the 31st march so hopefully i will have the results of that to take with me to chicester. one less test to go through
kate xx
hi everyone as some of you know i am waiting for my intitial appointment from chicester and have been waiting for 7 months now.
anyways i posted yesterday saying how fed up i am of waiting and being fat.
today i recieve a phone call from the appointments at chicester biatric unit saying there is a letter in the post saying i have an app. for this friday!!!!!! before she can finish i am practically screaming down the phone with excitement but....
she then goes on to say that the letter is a mistake and the appointment is not for me. i have gone from elateted to deflated in a matter of minutes!!!!!! she did apologise and informed me i should be getting my app. through late april early july!
i am not too disappointed now as the time frame is only 6/8 weeks maxium and i am having a sleep apnea test done on the 31st march so hopefully i will have the results of that to take with me to chicester. one less test to go through
kate xx