It depends on the hospital Jax, but they will probably ask you some questions which they mark down on something called the Epworth Sleep Scale - and if you get a high score, they might ask you to do a sleep study where you either stay in hospital overnight and they monitor you with various bits of snazzy kit, or sometimes they ask you to take equipment home and bring it back to them the next day. None of it hurts, it's just a bit cumbersome if you move about a lot in bed, but it will tell them if you need further treatment. I have sleep apnoea and have to wear a lovely nasal mask at night, but you soon get used to it and it makes you feel a zillion times better and more alert in the day, and could save your life, as apnoea sufferers are at increased risk of strokes and heart attacks due to stopping breathing at night. Hope this helps, and good luck with your appointment!