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What I'm looking forward to.......


New Member
Well I've been a right miserable moo lately so I'm posting this in order to focus on the good things I want out of this surgery....

Obviously I want to be healthy, confident etc. But I'm talking about real self indulgent stuff, what I really want.

I want to shop in River Island, or go into DP's, New Look etc. without feeling the shop assistants eyes on me thinking 'fat lass alert'!!

Walk into a pub or anywhere public, without the thought everyone is staring & thinking look at the clip of her!!

I want my sons to be proud of how I look.

I know this is very vain, self indulgent but I'm trying to cheer myself up & motivate myself as I approach surgery (hopefully).
You will be stunning!!! I say damn well enjoy it!! Nothing wrong with wholeheartedly embracing your fab feminine true self!
Not vain and not self indulgent!!! So pack that sort of talk in now
Hi Jacci,

Just logged on and saw your other post... sorry you have started with a cold... it's that time of the year... make today extra special for you and have a pamper....

If you are able relax as much as you can love and do something for you! It's tough battling with depression and everything else racing around at present...

I hope you feel much better as you relax.

Good to see you looking forward... there is a world waiting out there and the weightloss will make a huge difference so keep going and keep positive...

I'm hoping and praying that this will all soon be behind you and you'll be well away on the losers bench....

Sending a load of love and hugs to you xxx
I would like the SAME!!!
I would love to walk into places and feel like a normal person instead of a fat person.
I cant wait to stop shopping in the fat shop(evans)!!
You will be stunning!!! I say damn well enjoy it!! Nothing wrong with wholeheartedly embracing your fab feminine true self!
Not vain and not self indulgent!!! So pack that sort of talk in now

Eh, Neen you done nowt but tell me off this morning ... ;)

god I remember getting all my underwear from la senza!!
even hubby would buy for me from there...its now a long distance memory..lol