Absolutely fine thanks Peggy! Feeling brilliant. The whole experience had been a good one!
I think the Czech drink as much tea as the Brits! Also as much beer!I've got some whey protein powder I will probably take, you just add it to water or milk. Is tea or coffee available in the hospital? what is it like, do I need to being some of my own teabags?
Yes I had a gastroscopy in UK just before I left and took my report which meant I did not have to have one in Turnov, although they do sedate patients here so it is not so badJust thought of a few more:
*Any recent test results that might be of interest (blood, gastroscopy, other medical reports)
*Medical healthcards or private health insurance cards.
*Copy of travel insurance documents, if you have any, and contact numbers.
*Contacts details of your doctor back home, as well as contact details of family in case of complications.
Had my gastric band surgery 24hrs ago at Turnov. I had nausea right when I woke up from the general anaesthesia in the post op room and was quickly transfered up to my room, given a shot and something intravenously. Don't know what it was, but it sure took care of the horrible feeling of nausea, thirst, heat, sweat, and lots of pain where the stitches were. I was back asleep in less than 15 mins, and slept the rest of the day and the rest of the night. I think I've been sleeping for almost 24 hrs, and now I feel very good.Thanks Angee, let me know what you find out. I might enquire the same of my surgeons at work before I go, though Insuspect they use the anti sickness injections
Yes!!! Waiting for you! Although you'll have to excuse my appearance in a white hospital gown that shows my bottom if I move too quickly, lol, and my greasy hair due to how much I sweat yesterday, and full of grey hairs that I didn't bother to colour before traveling, lol. But my happiness to finally be meeting you in person will make up for all that! Enjoy your ride in the minivan, hope you get in early enough to see the countryside! If you brought your camera, pls take photos, we forgot ours!!!!!Glad to see you've recovered enough to get onlinewill be saying hello in person in a few short hours!
Ditto for me. I had mine done back home and didn't need to get it redone at Turnov, just need to bring the doctor's report.Yes I had a gastroscopy in UK just before I left and took my report which meant I did not have to have one in Turnov, although they do sedate patients here so it is not so bad