New Member
After yet another night of very poor sleep any positive vibes I had about getting surgery have slipped away in the night and I got up this morning feeling worn out and dispondent. I just dont know what my next stage will be if they say no. I know everyone thinks they will say yes but I just cannot feel it. I did prior to speaking to the PCT I allowed myself a little indulgence, but to be told I am not an urgent case and it will be "AT LEAST" two weeks before they see my referral if makes me think I am expecting too much from the NHS. I am sick of waking in the night after only 2-3 hours sleep and then having to get up and read or have a hot drink before I drift off again. I dont want to be fat and unfit in 2009. I read posts on here with people doing various diets and their weight loss is amazing why cant I do it too? Why is it I try with all my heart and lose a pound gain a pound and so on until I feel too humiliated to carry on. People think I cheat but I dont, it just wont move past 4-5lb. Where will I go if they say no? I wont even be able to post on here as it would be too painful, I know I am thinking the worst but for the life of me I cant muster anything positive....I bet you are all getting so fed up with my whingeing and I wish I could be positive every day but I cant...I dont mind waiting if I know the answer is yes. I am sat here thinking, maybe if they had read the referrals quicker mine might of got on, did they have a long lunch and use up too much time. All these daft thoughts roll around in my head in the early hours of the morning...I just want to be sliced and diced and to get on with it....:cry: