BigDee's now little
Regular Member
Christmas is now over and we are looking forward to The New Year. I haven't made any resolutions for a number of years as I knew I wouldn't stick with them; But this year is different. There are soon going to be a lot of changes in my life as I fly out for my gastric wrap operation on 3rd February. So I have been giving my lifestyle changes some thought and decided to make the following NY resolutions.

- To make sure that I exercise at least 5 times per week, which means 3 zumba classes and at least 2 extra long dog walks (on top of daily dog walks which I already do)
- To plan my meals properly on a weekly basis and shop accordingly, making sure that I don't buy in naughty food items as hubby also needs to drop some weight.
- To treasure my wrap and treat it with the respect it deserves as this is very much my last chance saloon of losing weight.
- To start on 4th jan working at changing my eating habits in preparation for surgery. Eating slower, no drinks with meals etc etc