I hope so!
I'm 6 weeks out on the 5th March and haven't lost anything in the last 10 days. I blame the soft mushy diet I keep getting told I should be eating its far too easy to pour calories in for almost no feeling of fullness when its passing right out of the stomach. After 5pm I seem to get ravenous and pick at bits ( old habits dying hard but dying non the less!
I've looked at what Im eating and the amounts and have decided to move on to less liquid and mushy foods to more slower moving firmer and filling foods.
I had a proper traditional roast dinner last night, 2 small roasties carrot turnip, peas, tiny bit of gravy - don't want to wash it through ( except for meat which was replaced by a softer tinned hamburgerish thing as I still cant manage basic meats without feeling ill)
I didn't eat it all and didnt eat anything after that and felt full & very comfortably satisfied all evening.
Having the op has made me stand back and Im still discovering my weight inducing nasty habits - one of which is grazing instead of having a meal and killing the hunger in one hit.
I was hoping to lose around a stone a month but this may be too ambitious even if most of the markers on profiles seem to point to this being about the average ( feel free to correct me on this assumption)
I've already prepared my evening meal for tonight so Ive no excuse to not have a nice balanced filling meal
Carrots & Turnip lightly crushed no added butter or liquid.
Boiled potato, not overcooked but still quite firm.
Roast potato
Crunchy Green beans.
Cabbage - firm
All in small portions of course and on a side plate to keep the amount in perspective.
Im going to try a well cooked pork steak with the veg but not confident on more than a fork full
I already feel full writing this!!