I've been having flaked fish, salmon, cod. Also had a cod in a parsley sauce. I made a small homemade cottage pie and topped it with swede and carrot to avoid the carbs in potatoes. Ready brek as its the only cereal I will eat apart from special K lol. Im not keen on scrambled eggs but did have some yesterday.
Also made some bubble and squeak with mashed potato, cabbage etc and mashed it right down and baked it.
I bought a couple of ready meals from sainsburys good for you range yesterday, they are on offer at 3 for £5, so got shepherds and a cottage pie.
mashed or stewed fruit, low fat custard.,
I was told to start off with very mashed food and quite runny, moving to more firmer towards the end of the 2 weeks. I have no fill in my band however so I know that I can actually eat a fair amount of food and ones I really shouldn't be, its just sheer willpower at the moment.
Other things, smoothies with fruit in, very ripe melon, weetabix, very soft mashed pasta.