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Where are all the oldies


New Member
Hi guys - over the last few months I've had quite a few chats with people waiting / having surgery at St Richards and now it seems, after they've had their ops, they rarely post on here anymore. So, to name a few, where are you:
There's probably others, but these are off the top of my head. It is a normal thing that after surgery you don't 'need' this site anymore and disappear forever onto a life of thinness???
Comments welcome:thankyou:

I had my surgery at St Richards in April. It does seem that after their ops some people do drift away, not sure why. It means we don't see many long term bypassers posting either which is a pity as their experience is so useful

However we do have Shel, Nic and Carole as long termers (different hospitals) who stay and help us on our way and others are here who are not so far out.

Good luck with your journey, if I can answer any questions please shout.

hey Julie
i'm still here i come on line daliy but do not always comment. i have spent the last 9 weeks trying to get my head around my new food life and learning to live with the new me!!! i have been reading your posts and keeping up with your progress really plsed things are finally moving, if you are ever coming my way (brighton) PM me i would love to meet up or if you want to exchange mobile numbers let me in in private message.
love kate
I'm here too!!! sent you a pm the other day! I do try and come on everyday, but whilst doing this pre op diet i have been going to bed early to keep my mind off food!! :) lol.
6 days til op, very excited!!! need to start thinking of packing my bag.
I'll definately still be on the site after the op looking for lots of advice!!
hi im still around not been on much though as laptop broke and now my father in law has been diagnosed with leukemia 3 weeks ago .sorry dont wish to upset anybody hope you well xxxxxxxxx
Yes, I was wondering how Mrs CakeyBun was doing and Becca who lives in Scotland x
Hi everyone - thanks for your replies - it wasn't meant as a complaint - just a concern that after their ops, people seem to disappear and it gets you wondering why?
CCPM - I may PM you if I have any questions if thats ok?
Kate - I do come over to Brighton every now and again - I will PM you to arrange a meet up if that's ok?
Lucylou - yes I admit you do post on here quite a lot - perhaps I shouldn't have put your name on my list - it just 'popped' into my head and I'd typed it before I knew what I was doing!!!! Good luck with your op!
Debbie - so sorry to hear about your father in law. My thoughts are with you and your family.
OK - betetr go and get dressed now - and write the next exciting instalment of my food diary for the dietician next week. I'm being totally honest in writing down what I am eating and how I feel etc, but then reading it, I feel guilty! Perhaps that's what they want to see? Did anyone else have to do a food diary?
Have a good day everyone.
Hey Julie, i didn't have to do a food diary, but this whole process so far has made be really honest with myself about the food i eat and how i feel which is really good.
I had a parcel arrive yesterday, a set of scales!! i have never in my life been excited about getting on scales, all that dread, but i even left work early to set them up and finally weigh myself, in the 10 days of my pre op, i have lost 11lbs! it has been really hard not to cheat but we all know what we get at the end of it so its been worth it! 5 days to go!!