Shrinking away nicely :)
Mornin all was just wondering which of u lucky people are having ur surgery in March and if so which hospital.
My Bypass is on March 2nd but i have to go in the previous day for blood thinning treatments, not 2 looking forward to an extra day in hospital
but its only one day extra. If i had gone in like most people do on the day of my surgery then i would meet the other 2/3 peeps who are having their surgery that day, but as i will be going straight from the ward that wont happen, i am told its a big general surgery ward, so i think either the day i go in or when i am up to walking i will take a stroll and look for any big gals or guys and have a look over their bed to see if they have the same consultant as me then i might be brave enough to say hi lol 

and of course tell them about our fab site
omg how bad am i lol xxx
My Bypass is on March 2nd but i have to go in the previous day for blood thinning treatments, not 2 looking forward to an extra day in hospital