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Whoo hoo, getting there


on my way
Hi all, just wanted to shout to the world that I've lost 3st 1lb, started my journey with the Spatz balloon 4 months ago and can't believe how well I've done ( even if I say so myself ) this is the most I've ever lost :)
Feel I can only express my happiness on here as very few people know that I've got my little tool to help me, so feel too guilty to say to others how happy I am, even though everyone is now noticing my weightloss. I try to brush it under the carpet when they compliment me, even when my husband says things like, those jeans are hanging off you, I'm quick to reply with something like oh, it's cause they've stretched since I put them on!!! Even though i daren't put them on without a belt. What's all that about?
Anyway sorry for my rambling but just had to tell someone cause I know you'd appreciate what it feels like :eek:)
hahaha thats fantastic nicola, well done :) xxx
A very BIG well done on the weight loss, you must be so proud. xx
whoopwhoop well done !!!!!!!!
I know it's not a large figure compared with some others weightloss but I feel better now I'm not carrying that extra 19 bags of sugar around all day!!!

I want you to say it out loud when ur in the bathroom every morning getting ready. Look yourself straight in the eyes and say " i have made this happen and i am so proud of myself" sounds silly but it works

Tut tut your weight loss is excellent so dont put yourself down or let others. You have really achived something so be proud and do the mirror thing lol bulids so much confidence.
Nicola, im having the gastic balloon on monday at nucleous. I'm so scared!! I have been reading your posts on here as not many people seem to have had the spatz balloon, would love to chat to find out more! I seen shelley on here but see hasnt been on 4 a while is she getting on ok?

charlotte x
Hi Charlotte
They're all lovely at Neucleus, all I can say is be prepared to be sick and then if your not so sick then it'll be a bonus.
Shelley's weightloss has stalled so she was going to ask to be topped up, like I explained to her she would've been ok with the full volume in the old balloon whereas I probably would've had to have it removed due to not tolerating the volume, that's the joy of this one it can be adjusted to suit the individual.
Ask away if you have any questions although the procedure seems like a million miles away now, even though it's been only 4 months, not long and I've gotto go back to discuss my fill, hope that'll give me a finale push of weightloss, although I have changed my lifestyle and eating habbits, still have some bad food but now all in proportion x
how much has she lost? im having it done on monday but im scared it wont make any difference or i will only loose a stone! why is it different for other people? xx
Nicola, im having the gastic balloon on monday at nucleous. I'm so scared!! I have been reading your posts on here as not many people seem to have had the spatz balloon, would love to chat to find out more! I seen shelley on here but see hasnt been on 4 a while is she getting on ok?

charlotte x
hi, me too but i'm booked in for the thursday afternoon. Please keep us posted with how you get on. Good luck!
R xx
Haven't heard off Shelley for a while, think she lost 1 stone.
You'll both be fine after the initial sickness. It's the best thing I've done, still eat main meals on a side plate, although do go out for meals and even bag of fish and chips sometime but eat a lot less than before. Also it has trained me to not be so obsessed about eating until I cant eat no-more, also I have managed to fit some exercise into my regime which helps loads, why couldn't I be this disciplined before?? Obviously needed to hand over the 5 grand to make me see sense! Good luck both x
hiya guys ive just joined this forum today, i had the gastric balloon end of jan 11 at dewsbury hospital, i lost 7stone having been 30stone and unable even to hardly walk,please expect the procedure to be very uncomfortable but you must think its a means to an end and thats it, sickness-yes, nauseous-yes, heartburn-hell yes,worth the crap and pain........... 100% yes,ive now just had my pre op for a gastric bypass and im so excited about my future, so good luck and please if you want to ask anything at all about the balloon please do as i wish id av had someone to talk to through it x debs x
hiya guys ive just joined this forum today, i had the gastric balloon end of jan 11 at dewsbury hospital, i lost 7stone having been 30stone and unable even to hardly walk,please expect the procedure to be very uncomfortable but you must think its a means to an end and thats it, sickness-yes, nauseous-yes, heartburn-hell yes,worth the crap and pain........... 100% yes,ive now just had my pre op for a gastric bypass and im so excited about my future, so good luck and please if you want to ask anything at all about the balloon please do as i wish id av had someone to talk to through it x debs x

can i ask what types of food you was eating and how much? Had mine fitted this wednesday, feeling more normal today just tummy ache

hi i am looking to have the spatz balloon - am new to this site too but not many people have commented on nucleous or the proceedure, times from consutation to the op etc. help!! lol

ive battled with my weight for years and been so depressed and especially after having my daughter my dad has decided hes going to pay for me to have the balloon or the band, im saying the balloon as im scared of surgery and then ppl would know as its a drastic op - with balloon only me and dad have to know, not even mum or the boyf! (as theyll get annoyed as its "cheating")
im 25, 5ft and ow 14st 11lbs - i was 17st at the beginning of year but just need that kick to help me and motivate me!!