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whoop whoop!

Nicola robinson

New Member
Hi people weighed in last night and lost 3lbs whoop! whoop I must be doing something right lol now 17st 5lbs so need to loose this week 2.5lbs then since Jan 25th this year I will have lost 6stones.

introducing new foods and have been great had a little salad tomato and cucumber and it was lush. going to go swimming tomorrow night at the adults swim wish me luck as its going to be a big thing for me donning a swim suit and parading myself in front of people but since loosing so much weight need to tone things up .

back to work Monday and feeling slightly nervous as no one has seen me since before the operation so think they might get a big shock especially the young people I teach.

any tips off anyone for help with the exercising to tone flabby bits up I think spandex and tuck it in is not a bad idea lol
Congrats to you on such a fab loss. Gives a newbie and pre opper such hope :)
Well done you. Fantastic weight loss. I am a swimmer, just love it & do water workouts too they are great fun. Just pop on that swim suit & be proud. I do & loving the compliments about my weight loss from my classmates.
Hi Nicola you are doing fantastic, I am sure everyone at work will see a huge difference, swimming really is a good form of exercise that tones most of the body, as does pilates, Zumba is fast and furious and will help burn calories, and running then theres gym if you fancy it to tone up and cardio to help burn the calories but you could walk more as well to burn off calories, just see whats on offer, the docs can now offer help with a personal trainer worth asking if you want to pursue it x
Well done Nicola you are doing great xxx