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I have been told I have a couple of years to wait for my gastric bypass, and in the mean time I have joined WW for the 100th time!!

I'm really worried I can't even stick to this diet, I have lost 1 stone but am struggling to keep it off/loose more.

If I can't even do this I really don't know how I'm going to cope with my diet after surgery and also the pre-op diet!!

Did anyone else have these concerns?? and if so how did you get on??

Thanks guys, your advice is ALWAYS appreciated

The way I looked at the pre-op diet was this.

If I didn't stick to it, I wouldn't get an operation. Or worse, if I didn't stick to it, I'd get to the operating theatre, get opened up and then closed back up as they would see I didn't stick to the diet!
Hi Kim, yes I had all the same worries. The fact I couldnt get the results from dieting was the reason I wanted the surgery, I'm sure its the same for you. I only had my surgery last week and it took me 3 years to get it.

I wont lie the first couple of days on the pre-op was tough but then I got used to it. Now post-op I miss food like crazy and my head still wants the food I used to eat as unfortunately they only operated on my stomach not my brain :sigh:. I am only on the liquid stage though so very early days and am assured that it gets easier as I move through the stages of food. This is where I have to fight my demons, surgery cant do this for me. This surgery is a gift and it I am very grateful but it is not easy and is certainly not a quick fix but without it where would I be? I hate to think! What I'm trying to say is if this is what you really want just keep on going and keep the end result in sight. Be prepared for it to be a tough but worthwhile ride. x
Hi Kim,Been there so my advice is this.Ask about weight management schemes at your local hospital if they do them.Forget about dieting,DIETS DONT WORK!
Clear your cupboards of crap,only buy good food,only eat good food,watch your portion size,drink water not fizzy,start walking,ditch the scales.The only pounds you lose at slimming clubs forever are from your purse!Make this your time to get as healthy as poss pre op then you will sail through surgery and your new life.I will happen.Maz x
I know exactly how you feel. We've tried all the diets available over the years and none of them can be sustained in the long run, and we get stuck on a diet/binge cycle ending up heavier than when we started. I agree with Maz, diets don't work!

I'm trying to deal with my emotional overeating with therapy and by facing up to problems when they occur - eg if someone upsets me - I'm telling them, rather than pushing my feelings aside and then going home and eating. I'm not being nasty to people or tearing a strip off them, just saying things like "I don't happen to agree with that". "I'd rather you didn't speak to me like that" - Its caused a few raised eyebrows as I am known for being a bit of a mouse... the more you do this the more comfortable you get with it.

Along with my therapy, I'm reading 'Overcoming Overeating' and can recommend it. I'm half way through and I've had an 'a-ha' moment in almost every chapter. Biggest recommendation is to ditch the diets - if you don't diet you can't binge! Its early days, but I've noticed straight away that I'm not planning meals in my head, thinking constantly about food, or obsessing about what I can't or shouldn't have; and I'm not feeling deprived or stuffing my face. I'm making sensible choices and really listening to my body for the first time in 40 years. If I fancy a bit of a treat I'll have it without the thought in the back of my mind that I'm bad/the foods bad or I'll diet again tomorrow. Its very liberating!

I'm trying to put aside half an hour every day to do something active that I enjoy - I put the radio on and dance about the bedroom; I do the housework with plenty of bending and stretching; Friday's I swim; I go on my exercise bike and flick through a magazine at the same time; I go out in the garden and pull some weeds. This has been the best as it also gives me time to reflect.
How can you do it?

Well for a start forget about worrying over the pre op diet. Its two weeks and you are at least 102 weeks away from it. In the same way you are 104 weeks away from the post op diet and to be honest unless you are stupid the post op diet kind of takes care of itself at first

As for the period between then and now! well don't they say 90% of diets fail? I believe WW is more about lifestyle than diet these days :confused: and that's a good thing of it's true. Our brains are not wired for starvation diets or diets based on denial to work. The more we deny ourselves something the more our heads find reasons for us to have it. Thats why WLS is so much easier as a means to losing weight because it helps us break that yo yo denial/binge eating cycle. WLS gives us something that can help reduce the cravings if we do our bit and follow the rules.

I didn't diet pre op, but I was told that at 400 pounds I had an increased risk of surgical complications and the more weight I lost pre op the better chance of survival I would have. So I just cut down what I ate and when and how much. Nothing spectacular or severe I just made slghtly better choices. I lost 55 lbs during that time without really noticing it.

Just make small changes, park the car three rows down at the supermarket instead of waiting until the space near the door is free, take the stairs now again instead of the lift or escalator. Make protein foods your friends and even when you have to snack have a protein based snack such as dry roasted peanuts etc. Get in some chocolate covered protein bars or meal replacements instead of KitKats etc, not only are they much better for you, they cost so much one every two days is all you'll want to buy :D

Finally, take it one day at a time, but start to make these small changes now. Don't do what most of us did and focus just on the surgery date and trick yourself into thinking that surgery will make it all OK. It won't not on it's own it won't.

Forget you're on a diet, short term or fad diets don't work, its lifestyle that counts. Eat a little less, eat a little better, and move a little more. Do this and you'll be fine. Good luck x
Okay, firstly as the luscious Karlos says why worry about the pre op now? It's some time away.

Now for w/watchers. Karlos is bang on when he says w/w is no longer a diet, it's more about making a lifestyle change. I've been doing w/w since April and because of my gastric bypass i am able to stay within my points allowance. It is very much aimed to you eating more protein and cutting back on the carbs. It is very much easier to stick too.

Why not join the 'online' service, you can weigh yourself weekly and if you have a 'blip' there's only you who knows it. See how you go along with it, don't tell people and just get into the way of protein been the main base for your meal. Weight loss will be a bonus...

Believe me i am a w/w fan now, the new pro points plan is very much more doable than it used to be.

Good luck and if you decide just to change your eating habits as Karlos says then don't forget food and exercise work hand in hand xxxx
Thanks guys your support means alot, I've got to get my head round this! and I've really taken all the advice given to me
Hi Kizzy. As I'm pre-op I can't offer the same 'experienced' advice as the others, but heres my pennies worth....
I think the most important thing you need to do first is put your mind in the right direction. Don't think you're on a diet and so need to lose 2lbs every week, think every pound off will never go back on again... Water plays a very important role as well. Have a full glass before each meal and you will feel fuller a little quicker. Try and have a glass between meals as well and keep away from fizzy drinks - even sugar free! If you have 2 loos, make sure your extra trips are to the upstairs one. Don't pile things at the bottom of the stairs to take up in one go at bedtime. I have a strong black coffee mid-morning to wake me up and I clean my teeth mid afternoon instead of having naughty snacks. I use the car only if I need to and use the money saved on petrol, buying a piece of fruit I haven't tried before (sharon fruit, dragon fruit, etc.) or a mag I wouldn't normally get.
I've made these changes in the last 4 to 5 weeks and lost 16lbs! I feel better than I have done in ages, and am quite enjoying it.
I hope this helps you, and maybe we can spur each other on while we wait for our turn ( mine is about 10 months away)
Thanks Gemma, your right, and well done for the weight loss! I'm going to start afresh as I can't keep going on like this

I see your waiting for a bypass, same as me. How are you feeling about it, I've got such a mix of emotions, really don't know how I will feel nearer the time.
Keep in touch
Kim X
I've never really stopped to think about the bypass, but suppose it's the right thing for me. I bake and decorate cakes, so immediately I have a problem...lol. My dietician recomended the bypass because of the malabsorption and the dumping syndrome. In other words, if I do eat some cake or icing, I'll be ill and therefore will learn my lesson and never do it again.... Can't wait for that to happen!!
As soon as I know am on a 'diet' my mind goes into over drive and I want loads of food all the wrong food and it drives me crazy, like the post oppers have said don't stress now, just make healthy choices and changes now, don't pressure yourself or get stressed out.

I did this and found it worked well
I would have scrambled egg with lean ham but no toast, I'd fill up on protein like chicken n veg with gravy but leaving out the potatoe, and I tried to not always eat the same things as u get bored.

I found after 2 days on the pre op diet I was into it and the goal is so massive you won't let yourself fail.

Take care and keep us updated zxq

Sent from my iPhone using WLSurgery
Great advice has already been given by everyone.

I'll tell you how I felt, and how I feel now, being 7 months post op. I had HUGE reservations about being able to stick to the pre or post op diet. HUGE. I have never successfully lost and kept off more than about 10 lbs in my entire life, pre surgery. So why would I think I could do THIS?!?!

Then there was the long wait for surgery. I used this time to educate myself as much as possible about the surgery and diet and lifestyle change I was about to embark on. As time when by I just came to realise that yes I can do this and I will do this. It's a once in a lifetime opportunity to change your life around for good and I wasn't going to mess it up. No way.

Once I was given my date, I was SO hyped up and excited about the surgery, and ready to go, that my concerns about the diet were much diminished. The pre op diet IS HARD there are no two ways about it, but it's definitely doable, knowing what is at stake.

Post op, the first few weeks were difficult, but not horrible. The liquid and mushy diet is boring and it's an effort to get used to this big change. And you're emotional and moody and you miss your normal food. But before you know it you'll be back on 'normal' healthy food and a normal diet. And once the weight starts coming off, you're on a roll. It's hard to describe what changes in your head, once you've had this surgery. I no longer think 'I can't do this'.. instead I think I can. And I am.

Finally, Karlos had some good advice there. If you can incorporate small changes to your lifestyle now, while you wait, then do! I know it's not easy, I couldn't before my op, but it is for the best if you can. Start walking a bit more etc, it's all going to help with the actual surgery and with changing your habits and with losing weight beforehand too.
Hi Kim, yes I had all the same worries. The fact I couldnt get the results from dieting was the reason I wanted the surgery, I'm sure its the same for you. I only had my surgery last week and it took me 3 years to get it.

I wont lie the first couple of days on the pre-op was tough but then I got used to it. Now post-op I miss food like crazy and my head still wants the food I used to eat as unfortunately they only operated on my stomach not my brain :sigh:. I am only on the liquid stage though so very early days and am assured that it gets easier as I move through the stages of food. This is where I have to fight my demons, surgery cant do this for me. This surgery is a gift and it I am very grateful but it is not easy and is certainly not a quick fix but without it where would I be? I hate to think! What I'm trying to say is if this is what you really want just keep on going and keep the end result in sight. Be prepared for it to be a tough but worthwhile ride. x

Hi, i had my op 2 days after you and have only lost 8lb so far.....whats ur secret? x

I had Mr El-Hasani and he has his own pre op. not the milk diet and it is easier than the milk diet!! once you get into it you have loads of energy.

Agree with everyone stop focusing on the diet and focus on healthy eating.............if any of us found it easy we won't have had the surgery.

Good Luck on the wait.