I havent posted much on here lately as i have quite a demanding job and since returning after my band op the days seem to have flown by, but anyway i had to go and have my post op x ray on tuesday and all seemed to go really well until the doctor who did the x ray decided to try and crush me with the x ray machine ( he was in such a rush he wasnt even aware of what he had done until the nurse pointed out that he had pulled the machine down too far and that it was crushing my chest). I then had to take a mouthfull of this white stuff, hold it in my mouth until he said and then swallow it which i did then to be told that i hadnt taken enough of the drink so had to do it again, trouble was that i took so much down the second time round that it reallt hurt when i swallowed it. As far as i know the band is fine but i have had a lot of discomfort since and it got so bad today that i had to contact the wls group who i took an aftercare package out with and who i must add had nothing to do with the x ray, but they seem to thing that i probably have a lot of bruising so unfortunately i now have been adviced to go back on liquids for a couple of days until the swelling goes down. I dont mind too much but its bloody typical that i had only been on solid food since last saturday and it just feels that i am taking one step forward and two back, anyway sorry for the rant just a bit fed up that i was doing so well and now feel a bit like im back to square one:sigh: