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Why doesnt everyone dump?


looking to make a change!
as per title :confused:
Because everyone is different, plus with a bypass the length of intestine bypassed is also different and often depends on you BMI on the day of your surgery, if you are at the lower end of the scale you will get a short bypass and may not dump as a result, but as everyone is different even with a short bypass you might be one of the lucky ones and do dump. Why lucky, because the fear of dumping is supposed to keep you on the straight and narrow, if you find you don't dump there is nothing to stop you eating high fat or high sugar foods, and we all know where that leads don't we.

I've just dumped - I think. Been to village street party to celebrate diamond jubilee. there was lots of lovely food, I was being fairly sensible and had 1/2 burger, tbls potato salad and a small bite of a rib. I also had a glass of white wine with loads of ice which I sipped slowly over the duration. I then had two very small mouthfuls of marangue from the pavlova.......within 15 minutes I was lightheaded, weak, fatigued and basically spaced out.

So now lying here wrapped in duvet ( as I'm always so blumin freezing) realising what I've done, cross with self - but it was nice.

I think some of the problem is that only one person knew that I have had bypass and I was fitting in / trying not to stand out, everyone was offering food/drink and commentating when I didn't want anything. Totally opposite of what they expect from me. Even when I had said about being on a diet I was encouraged to let hair down, relax. Suppose, this is something I will learn to manage.
I was only 19st when bypassed and I dont dump anymore.Had a few to start with but can eat anything now just smaller portions!
I was just over 19st at op , I havnt challenged dumping but have had a couple of incidence where I have had to go to loo , not a full dump . I want to believe I WILL dump if I'm naughty
I have had the pains but doc thought it was bowel colic, I have had not diahorrhea at all but do get light headed and visual disturbances and have to lie down nothing specific causes it though mainly after breakfast, bout an hour after that when it starts. Have lot of hot flushes but sometimes it follows something sweet and sometimes not don't know if its just the menopause or bit of dumping can't tell the difference. xx Neither did the doc at hospital at my check up xx
I get hot flushes too. Quite frankly I'm blowin hot and cold. Thought it was the menopause, but thank goodness it's just food xx
Hot flushes can be part of dumping but a lot of hormones like oestrogen is stored in our body fat & is released as we burn off the fat. It also answers for some of the mood swings as these stored hormones are released into the blood stream.
Just had some pomegranate , got mild stomach cramps now , maybe too much natural sugar in them :(
what is dumping? im sorry for asking, but i dont know what it is lol x
I was told most diabetics don't dump. However I have dumped a couple of times severely, but usually just have flushed feeling, sweating, dizziness, lightheaded etc then an overwhelming urge to sleep. I can eat something sweet and be fine, then eat 4 marshmallows and be ill! My dietitian also said it can depend on how long since you ate, and what the GI count of the food is. I guess no one has the absolute answer.
Its not a nice thing but even worse mingling in with the menopause, flushes come and go and don't know which is which, it is now a year since my last period and have been on and off over the last 9-10 years. So hope thats the end of it now. Have just had a smear 2 weeks ago n thats clear so I'm fit n well again. Good luck all. xx
I've been having periods of dizziness, exhaustion, hot flushes for years so unless I'm sick or it comes out of the other end I probably wouldn't be able to tell if I was dumping or not. I'm seeing my surgeonjext week and I'm going to ask how much of my small intestine was bypassed.
I was told 120cms was passed, but I'm not sure whether that is a lot or a little. Does anyone else know?
I haven't dumped, at least I don't think so as I'm also menopausal, I'm also diabetic, although I haven't tried high sugar or fat. Scared to try in case I dump but also in case I don't!!!!
120cm is nearly 1.25m or in old money 4ft. The average human small intestine is between 6-7m or 20-23 feet long so in the grand scheme of things not much is removed but obviously it's enough to work wonders.