New Member
A long ramble about how I got to this point.
My addiction to Coke cola started at 13 but got bad when I was 17. I would drink 4-6lts a day. I did go on to Diet Coke but I was getting so ill as I found out I have intolerance to aspartame so back to full fat coke. This got so bad that I was up to 6-8lts a day but I decided I should quit and around 18 months ago I cold turkied it and I haven't touched it since or any other forms Dr P, Cherry Coke.
I got Married in May to my wonderful hubby :heartpump: would loves cooking and makes sure I have a healthy diet. We haven't had McD's this year as we said we don't need it or really like it.
Sadly we miscarried September 2010 and the doctor was horrid and wouldn't listen when I said something was wrong as I didn't stop bleeding. It took till August 2011 and non stop bleeding to get a scan 50 miles from home. They found that my lining was very thick and I had a 4cm cyst on my ovary. It explained why even when I was good I would put 4lb on. I had way to much oestrogen so it made more fat cells and they made more oestrogen. They took till this month to fit the coil but I hope it will stop the bleeding soon. They said I need to get my weight down to help this problem if we want a baby.
I asked my GP about bariatric surgery he said I wasn't big enough my BMI was 61. I got fed up and unhappy so 6th June hubby went to see a GP at our surgery I had never met. He showed a print out of my weight (BMI 62) he rang me to check its what I wanted and refured me. 18th June I had a letter agreeing funding for surgery. I was so happy like a kid at Christmas. We called the hospital 5th July and they said a letter had been sent to my GP as they needed more info. on the 18th it still wasn't there so we got her to fax it over and they wanted a mental health assessment. I had it on the 27th July a lot of fathing and just over a month it was sent to the surgeon. I then went to the hospital on 23rd September (my birthday) to meet the anesthetist, dietitian and one of the surgeons. They said my op will be November but there is one thing I have to do, get my iron levels up to 11 (they were 7.9 in August) I will hopefully find out the date next week and am so excited but also so worried as I have bloods done the Thursday before op and so I could get so close but not reach it if my iron isn't up.
My addiction to Coke cola started at 13 but got bad when I was 17. I would drink 4-6lts a day. I did go on to Diet Coke but I was getting so ill as I found out I have intolerance to aspartame so back to full fat coke. This got so bad that I was up to 6-8lts a day but I decided I should quit and around 18 months ago I cold turkied it and I haven't touched it since or any other forms Dr P, Cherry Coke.

I got Married in May to my wonderful hubby :heartpump: would loves cooking and makes sure I have a healthy diet. We haven't had McD's this year as we said we don't need it or really like it.
Sadly we miscarried September 2010 and the doctor was horrid and wouldn't listen when I said something was wrong as I didn't stop bleeding. It took till August 2011 and non stop bleeding to get a scan 50 miles from home. They found that my lining was very thick and I had a 4cm cyst on my ovary. It explained why even when I was good I would put 4lb on. I had way to much oestrogen so it made more fat cells and they made more oestrogen. They took till this month to fit the coil but I hope it will stop the bleeding soon. They said I need to get my weight down to help this problem if we want a baby.
I asked my GP about bariatric surgery he said I wasn't big enough my BMI was 61. I got fed up and unhappy so 6th June hubby went to see a GP at our surgery I had never met. He showed a print out of my weight (BMI 62) he rang me to check its what I wanted and refured me. 18th June I had a letter agreeing funding for surgery. I was so happy like a kid at Christmas. We called the hospital 5th July and they said a letter had been sent to my GP as they needed more info. on the 18th it still wasn't there so we got her to fax it over and they wanted a mental health assessment. I had it on the 27th July a lot of fathing and just over a month it was sent to the surgeon. I then went to the hospital on 23rd September (my birthday) to meet the anesthetist, dietitian and one of the surgeons. They said my op will be November but there is one thing I have to do, get my iron levels up to 11 (they were 7.9 in August) I will hopefully find out the date next week and am so excited but also so worried as I have bloods done the Thursday before op and so I could get so close but not reach it if my iron isn't up.