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New Member
Shel brought up the idea & I have since talked to HC about it. What would you all think about developing a thread of the most commonly asked questions about wls and the various answers? Do you think it would be helpful? Or would the answers be too various and therefore confusing?

Just wondering what you all think. Post here and let me know. The only way it would be good is if there was lots of input.

Great idea.
I personally think it would be very helpful to people :) x
Whoops. I said I'd write one didn't I?
yeah yeah, like whatever miss. I work with stroppy teenagers, i can give you enough attitude ;)

Will get on to it. Honest.

Liz, if you're reading this, is it ok if I give you a shout for bander input?
Yes, excellent idea. I can write about options for Wales.
Yes, please post questions that you see frequently :)
brilliant idea for a thread. Is somone going to post the answers to all these questions?

My questions is "Im thinking of WLS - how do I decide between band/bypass?"
A question I've heard a lot is "What happens to the bit of stomach you don't use?"

Great idea for a thread. Zxx