have you had a seminar with us yet ? as the 1st appointment is usually a seminar, if you have then at this appointment they will go over your eating habbits ect and discuss which proceure will be the right one for you, the funding isnt usually an issue at Sunderland and is usually there automatically once your on the system.
yeah its my very first appointment its at 5.50 pm , i had read about the seminar things. thank you for your help. xxx
its just a group of new patients the surgeons talk about the diff procedures and there pathway to surgery, then the dieticain speaks, there be patients there as well for questions and answers which i normally do often but i have stopped for the time being till ive had my conversion, the seminars are very good and you will get the chance to ask the surgeon any questions you may have also x
thanks, sorry to keep asking stuff but does this mean i will go on a waiting list or do i have this then have to wait for a another appointment ???. xx
its a long drawn out process, but it is worth the wait, feel free to come along to our support groups tho as that can help with the waiting and its nice to meet others in the same situation x
that would be good. thank you. xx