i love my fitbit one ....... they start around £50 for a fitbit zip which goes on your zip funnily enough lol fitbit one and fitbit flex are about £75 the one clips to the center of your bra the flex on your wrist...... some say the flex not as good as the one because i clicks up extra steps when moving around (being on the wrist) I've seen them secondhand on ebay a fair bit cheaper..... but if you have a fandangled phone just download a free app hunni there are stepping apps + myfitnesspal for logging your intake and you can link the 2 together

For me personally i am never without my fitbit its get clipped on in the morning and i can happy forget its there. I log my food on myfitnesspal and the two link up ......... the only downfall of fitbit is the food bank, most of the food on there is American but you can insert your own food details.......... myfitnesspal is English so all our fav food already listed ..............so easy

Its great to have the motivation clipped to you everyday........ i know how i'm doing at the click of a button, its been the best thing for me personally but there is loads of cheaper options too