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pre op

They do all tend to be a little different depending on which hospital you are at.

Mine was a questionnaire on prev. medical history, I had to take a list of my medication with me. I had an MRSA swab, Urine, Bloods & Blood Pressure tested.

Oh, and a ECG (takes them longer to wire you up than the actual test takes to perform)

My pre-op consisted of the following:

A chat with the dietician about the pre-op & post-op diets and a body composition analysis (complete with pretty pie charts!),

Then on to see the nurse to talk about the admissions procedure, what to expect after the surgery and my reasons for having the bypass,

Swiftly followed by an MRSA swab (the nurse gave me the swab and left me to it) and a urine sample and then on to have a blood test and ECG (apparently laughing during the test throughs the results off and they had to repeat it - I blame the nursing staff :)),

Finally a chat with the anaesthetist who reviewed my history and ECG, asked me to explain what I knew of the operation and if I wanted to go ahead (hell yeah!) and then gave the all clear for me to have my op.

One month later I had been bypassed and although I've had a few wobbles since it has definately been worth it.

All the best.

hi klm, all of the above hun i cant really add anymore apart from i did get very anxious about it all an there was really no need cus it wasnt anything to worry about x
for my pre-op i had the following
* got weighed
* Had MRSA swab Test
* had Blood Tests
* Saw Anaethetist to talk about history and asks questions on your sleep etc
* Saw Dietician to talk about pre and post op diets (in a group)
* Saw Nurse who explained what happens on the day (in a group)
thanks to everyone who replied to my post my surgeon has told me to expect to be having surgery june/july so i have been trying to find as much out as possible.:)