Bling Babe
Well-Known Member
Glad you got some idea on the protein at least, I’ll have a little look at the app, I’m using “my fitness pal” at the moment, do you think baritastic is better? Glad you did don’t suffer anything worse than a tummy ache over the yogurtYes, but it took a while, the Dietician said a minimum of 60g protein and aim for 1200 calories, she didn't tell me carbs or fats so I'm still none the wiser on that score.
I'm using an app called baritastic specifically for bariatric patients, it's free and monitors bmi, protein, cals, fats, exercise, water the lot. I'm finding really helpful.
Today has been 1045 cals, 66g protein. It's been hard to gauge on holiday but trying to be good. Been eating too many peanuts though.
Couldn't understand why I was getting tummy ache but now realise the yogurt I've been having that I thought was sugar free didn't translate to that at all so it looks like it's the yogurt! All trial and error
Have a fab holiday xxxx