Tammy Allinson
New Member
1 week 2day since bypass nd I feel great
... I am managing the pureed diet fine. There was a girl in hospital who told me about a website called simply puree who puree everything but put everything back into its original shape eg carrots, chicken etc. I called and bought some meals the day I was discharged nd its really doing the job. U feel like u aving a mint lamb dinner etc, lol. I ad lost nearly a stone in 2 weeks
wen I got weighed on discharge day nd I can c the weight is dropping off me. I get weighed a week Thurs cant wait
... I am going to start gentle walks with my Dad 2moz. Thanku every1 for all your kind words...If it wasn't for cing how positive every1 felt about their op's I may ov bottled out. So glad I didn't I am so happy nd feel so positive nd cant wait to get on the waterslides at Florida next year with my children 

... x