Food - So here's my experience with food after my gastric sleeve.
My prior relationship with food was to eat whatever was put in front of me and I'm pretty sure that came from never being allowed to leave food on a plate as a child. I'm sure mum meant well but the result was that there wasn't a food I didn't like or wouldn't try. Looking back, I was always skinny whenever I was single but once I got into a relationship the weight would pile on with both greed and contentment.
Anyway I knew things would change once I had the sleeve as I was in the interesting position where my Hubbie had also had a gastric sleeve but 3 years earlier and so I had lived through his post sleeve food experience. I was very lucky to have his support but in some ways our experiences have been so different. For example if he overfills he needs to sit upright or move around; if I overfill I need to have a lay on the bed or the sofa (never easy in the office..)
Anyway post op I relied on Danio yogurts and UFit drinks both high in protein and easy to take. I still rely on those as my "goto" foods. Ramekin dishes of small portions of cod in butter sauce, cottage pie, chunky soups, tuc biscuits (with the cheese paste - I did say I would eat anything). I kept away from restaurants but did have Sunday lunch with the family, my mum trying not to look appalled at the tiny piece of chicken and sad collection of vegetables. At at about week 6 post op we flew off for a short sunshine break. Now that was a challenge food wise but I managed by having a few mouthful of children's portions and at most restaurants even got the colouring book and crayons or toy that came with them

Chinese or Japanese was always a good choice too as I could pick around the food but once again the portions were tiny, tiny. It was there I also had my first alcohol for at least 8 weeks and although I only had a couple of drinks a night it went down very well indeed with no ill effects. In fact the only time I was ill was when I pushed too far with a cream and strawberry scone. What was I thinking? That afternoon I was definitely put firmly in my place by the sleeve.
Since then I have tried to slowly introduce food although my portions are still so tiny they don't even fill half a side plate. Chicken breast is a no no. I find it chew it until it becomes a fibrous mush in my mouth, pretty sure I could plaster a wall with that, but I can eat small small pieces of chicken thigh as it seems more moist. Medium rare fillet steak is also another Yes food, about the size of 2 matchboxes thinly sliced but cod in butter sauce now goes the same way as chicken breast. Cheese good, cold cooked salmon good, hot cooked salmon bad - go figure ? I do drink alcohol but now two glasses of wine and soda with ice are my limit and I only tend to drink at weekends.
I did a ask my surgeon about the size of my stomach and she said the size of a small banana and now I try and visualise that amount of food when I think about eating but I do think it eat much less than that.
My social life has changed, meals out with friends are rare and I don't get rat @*$ed any more but you know what I'm happy and it WAS all worth while and as for hubby and I, well we are cheap dates!!