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1st consultation coming soon!!!!!!!!!


New Member
Hello Everyone,
how are you all doing? Hope you all are well and healthy. i couldn't come here for last few days as my hubby was very sick and is suffering from swain flu. I missed out on most of the news on here. please fill me in please. My 1st appointment is coming soon on the 21st and i'm totally nervous now.

missed you all.
Sorr to hear hubby not been well... how did u get consutation so quick , last i read from you was doc wouldnt refer you. fill me in plz

all the best - mejulie xx

Hello Everyone,
how are you all doing? Hope you all are well and healthy. i couldn't come here for last few days as my hubby was very sick and is suffering from swain flu. I missed out on most of the news on here. please fill me in please. My 1st appointment is coming soon on the 21st and i'm totally nervous now.

missed you all.
Farzu I've just remembered, how did your hubby get on when the doctor thought he had stomach cancer? He's not having a very good time is he. I hope his job will be safe for him as he's not been back at work long has he. Lets hope he gets over this swine flu soon and that he feels much better. Take care xxGaynorxx
Sorr to hear hubby not been well... how did u get consutation so quick , last i read from you was doc wouldnt refer you. fill me in plz

all the best - mejulie xx

Yes Julie, my doc did refer me at last in June directly to the surgeon and have heard that this surgeon doesn't do gastrc bypass surgery so may be she will refer me to homerton.
Hi farzu

thanks for replying................I am a little confused as the posts for been writing for last few weeks was saying how upset you been as u cant get referred and now your saying you was referred last June. Think I am missing the plot here.....why post and say u cant get refered when u already have been....................HEEELLPPPP !!! am I losing me marbles lmfao

All the best -MeJulie XX

Yes Julie, my doc did refer me at last in June directly to the surgeon and have heard that this surgeon doesn't do gastrc bypass surgery so may be she will refer me to homerton.
Farzu I've just remembered, how did your hubby get on when the doctor thought he had stomach cancer? He's not having a very good time is he. I hope his job will be safe for him as he's not been back at work long has he. Lets hope he gets over this swine flu soon and that he feels much better. Take care xxGaynorxx

Thanks love. my hubby was doing fine but suddenly got this flu and the doc asked him not to go out at all.
Hi farzu

thanks for replying................I am a little confused as the posts for been writing for last few weeks was saying how upset you been as u cant get referred and now your saying you was referred last June. Think I am missing the plot here.....why post and say u cant get refered when u already have been....................HEEELLPPPP !!! am I losing me marbles lmfao

All the best -MeJulie XX

LOL Julie, what happened to you babes. Those are threads from may be end of MAY. I have posted so many threads about how the doc referred me and you also have replied to those posts as far as i can remember. I was just absent for may be 1/2 weeks. I hope u can remember now :p
Hi Farzu....hope your Husband is on the road to recovery and that all goes well with your appointment.

welcome back :)
My husband has also just had swine flu but is over it now. I hope I dont catch it as Ive got my first appointment on Friday 24th with an Endocronologist. I have PCT approval for funding but I have to see this Doctor first.

I hope I dont wait long to see a surgeon after this. I just dont know what to expect.
My appointment has been cancelled as i spoke to the secretary of Miss hughes and told her that i have flu. Also she informed me that as she doesn't do the surgery i must go to my GP and ask her for another referral to Mr mannur at homerton. Now it feels like the begining of another waiting game as i won't get any appointment soon.
oh flippin heck have they said how long that will take
What a nightmare and you have this wretched flu! Why dont you get your GP to refer you to Mr Sufi at The Whittington - cant recommend him highly enough.

Stay warm and drink plenty of fluids and get some tamiflu
My appointment has been cancelled as i spoke to the secretary of Miss hughes and told her that i have flu. Also she informed me that as she doesn't do the surgery i must go to my GP and ask her for another referral to Mr mannur at homerton. Now it feels like the begining of another waiting game as i won't get any appointment soon.

Why can they not just reschedule the appointment??? why do you need to be referred again????? seems unfair u wait all this time for an appointment and one you cannot attend through no fault of your own and now u have to be referred again !!!!!!if they had to re-refer e1 due to cancellations etc, no one would ever get seen ,lol. seems a bit long winded to me tbh.

hope you feel better soon
all the best - MeJulie xx
Oh no thats awful I am just hoping I havent caught it off my Husband as my appointment is Friday. He is over it now but Ive heard it has an incubation period of 5 to 7 days so I could still develop symptoms.
Seems like your Doctor has made a mistake referring you to the wrong person. Call your Doc and ask him to rush a referral through..
I hope you dont wait long. Good luck.
The surgeon that my GP referred me to is Miss F Hughes who is a upper GI surgeon but doesn't do any obesity surgery. thats what i was said by her secratary. :( She also said that she spoke about Ms hughes about me and Ms hughes told that it will be a waste of time for everyone as she is not the right surgeon. She gave me Mr Mannur's name and said to get another referral from my GP.Big twist in the story. I contacted the secratery a long ago about this but she never replied and now i have to do everything from the begining. I also asked her is Ms hughes can refer me as some of the girls here had to go through the same problem but she asked me to go to the GP again. Now the next appointment with Mr Mannur will depend on how long his waiting list is. what a waste of time. In my GP letter to the surgeon its written that the referral is for obesity surgery, i think they only read the letters on the day of the appointment. if they had read the letters when the appointment was schedules i didn't had to wait this long right? :(