hi guys, just wanted to say i havent felt the fullness sensation since my bypass (im not hungry at all tho) but this morning i made my porridge, and put a extra spoon full in the bowl to see if it would make a difference, wow ive just experienced my 1st fullness feeling since the bypass, how very different that feels to the full feeling ive known for so many years with banding, its like a normal feeling of fullness, where as the band was more a sensation or uncomfy feeling, i do love my bypass and dont regret for one moment converting over.....happy days
Great to hear Liz. I still struggle to recognise fullness....right up till I've eaten too much and need to throw up! Yuck!
Brilliant to hear you're doing so well pet. xxxx
I struggle too with finding fullness, sometimes I seem to feel it and others I dont. Sometimes I can eat quite a bit more than other times so its really difficult at times and I end up getting pain or rabid dog syndrome Im sure with time it will get easier ....... I hope XX
your in the unique position liz, you know about both ops, so you can help most ppl, obviously your still recovering, but it sounds as though your doing ok, well done huni, and congrats, big hugs xxxxx
I agree with Dawny, we are lucky to have you, in that you are in a unique position to be able to draw on your experience as a bander and now as a bypasser..I am sure you will be just as successful too. The 'full' feeling can be quite a strange sensation to get used to, but I do think over time it gets easier to recognise xxx
thanks ladies, but im still in the very early stages about learning about the bypass, so far so good, all though ive been a bander 5 years a bypasser 5 days and if im honest even this soon in im much prefering life as a bypass patient, i hope the next stages go as smoothly for me.
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