Laura b
2011 a new begginning
Karlos said:I was blown away when I saw these on my news feed yesterday. A true inspiration and WLS success story. You're a beautiful young lady inside and out and I am so proud of you. If anyone has any doubts as to the effectiveness of surgical intervention coupled with the determination and effort of the individual, they need only look at your pictures to have those doubts blasted away. Well done young un you're a star a chuffin gorgeous star
Arrrrrr Karl bless u this is so nice of u to say, iv learnt from the best and with the support of u, sam (sambucca) and all the others iv done it iv acually got to a healthy size/weight (well healthyish) lol.... Wen I first had this I thought great I don't need to work hard this will just happen from having the op how wrong was I ok at first it did drop of but wat was I learning then? I was still eating crisps wen I fancied them, chocolate followed by being sick wen I wanted I thought wat the heck am I doing, knuckled down, concentrated on making healthy choices and exercised hard like I still do, bcus I know the most successful bypasses like urself and Sam have also done this and that's wat make it a success..... So thank you for it support/kick up the arse wen needed, ur honesty, and advice because I think I can spk for many wen I say this ur fab love having u as a friend Karl my weight loss family u all r xxxx