Hi Bonny and welcome to the site
Its me !!!! Dawn xx
thank you dawn for your help & kindness and well done on your weight loss, i cant wait to see your progress xx
thank you everyone so very much for your warm welcome to this site and your experiences.
im hopeing it will be sooner as i recently discovered i have type 2 diabetes and have a bmi of 48 and a gastric bypass will cure the diabetes instantly, and yesterday was also diagnoised with sleep apnea and problems related to diabetes and thought great i will no longer be diabetic and will lose the weight and look foward to doing things that have been stoppping me due to my weight
i have since asked my gp to contact mr ameet patel to see if i could have the op quicker, i was also advised by bromley pct to contact pals for more info as i never give up, lol
thanks again kind regards bonny xx
No it won't. It might put your diabetes into remission where you can control it with diet, or you might still have to take medication. There is no "Cure" for diabetes. I was lucky in that mine is now controlled by diet alone but that is not the case for everybody
Two years does seem a long time, I waited a year, however there are a huge number of people now on waiting lists for WLS and they got on the list in front of you is all, why do you feel that you should be allowed to jump the queue? Use the time to prepare yourself for surgery
Welcome to Minis x