New Member
This is great!! I'll be in here post op 29th Did any of you feel down about missing food? Think about food all the time !!! Is it really tough post op? I mean will power wise is it tougher than a normal change to healthy eating or diet ??? I'm really nervous can you tell ???
Hi there good luck on your upcoming surgery I wish you a speedy recovery...I myself haven't felt down about missing food to be honest if there's something I really fancy say .., my family have a Chinese or pizza I will have my healthier choice meal and then I will pinch a mouthful just for the taste.... I was/am a still a real chocoholic and if I fancy some I will have an alternative like a low cal/low sugar choc mouse or a snack size malteasers and that satisfies me before I'd eat the whole packet same with biscuits 2's enough . Yes it's still hard and it is about making healthier could eat every hour you could even have a mars bar as my surgeon says every hour and that's what's hard, when your bored i need to keep busy ( the gyms great for that) I'm finding the portion sizes are what makes this a success one you get on to normal textures you fill up so quick so in comparison to my old ways 1 x 12' pizza has turned into 1/2 a slice and a salad. Prob a rubbish example . So it's bound to help me lose. Keeping to 3 meals and 2 snacks is good I sometimes use my snacks as a desert ( yog) and factor that into the portion size. It's liquids I struggle with cold drinks hurt my chest for some reason so I mainly just have coffee / herbal tea low cal hot choc. I still think about food all the time but in a healthier way . Your bound to be nervous it's a scary process but a few weeks out you will be wondering what you stressed about.. I don't even feel like I had anything done at around 3 weeks post op. Best thing I've ever done xx