New Member
Well Im Just like a kid on Xmas eve!
Tomorrow i have my 2nd pre op and get my date for the op,
Bit of back ground info...
Ive been wanting this for 7/8 years now and was turned down by my doctor 6 or 7 time's for a referral,When my doctors closed for good I had to change surgerys,I went in to see my doctor just for a MOT type thing with being a new patient and he had noticed i had lost a bit of weight from my records,I said in a jokingly if there was any pills he could give me to aid the weight loss or even better a Gastric bypass!!......He looked at my records and said i can see you have asked for this a few times and i do believe you fit the criteria and started out filling in my referal form
,He the faxed it off to my local Hospital that deals with Bariatric's...(Walsall Manor)
That was Back in Feb and i can honestly say from the word go ive had to poke,prod,probe,question and almost stamp my feet to get this far,I had my first pre op Thurday and Ive got my second one tomorrow:bliss:
I was told i should get a date tomorrow and that it should be before xmas,But the date's there giving out Range from the 7th of Dec to the 30th of Dec.
I just cant believe Im almost there,It seem's like i have been waiting for this moment since i ever heard about a bypass about 8 years ago
Sorry for the essay but Im so excited and Nervous in equal measure,It seem's like since i was referred Ive gone to sleep and thought about it happening.
Sorry for the grammatical and spelling errors my 1 year old is currently attacking me and the laptop with a spoon
Tomorrow i have my 2nd pre op and get my date for the op,
Bit of back ground info...
Ive been wanting this for 7/8 years now and was turned down by my doctor 6 or 7 time's for a referral,When my doctors closed for good I had to change surgerys,I went in to see my doctor just for a MOT type thing with being a new patient and he had noticed i had lost a bit of weight from my records,I said in a jokingly if there was any pills he could give me to aid the weight loss or even better a Gastric bypass!!......He looked at my records and said i can see you have asked for this a few times and i do believe you fit the criteria and started out filling in my referal form
That was Back in Feb and i can honestly say from the word go ive had to poke,prod,probe,question and almost stamp my feet to get this far,I had my first pre op Thurday and Ive got my second one tomorrow:bliss:
I was told i should get a date tomorrow and that it should be before xmas,But the date's there giving out Range from the 7th of Dec to the 30th of Dec.
I just cant believe Im almost there,It seem's like i have been waiting for this moment since i ever heard about a bypass about 8 years ago
Sorry for the essay but Im so excited and Nervous in equal measure,It seem's like since i was referred Ive gone to sleep and thought about it happening.
Sorry for the grammatical and spelling errors my 1 year old is currently attacking me and the laptop with a spoon