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2nd time lucky


New Member
Well, Im going up to Sheffield tomorrow to have my band fitted. I really cant wait. The nice people at the WLS group have paid for my husband to stay at a nearby hotel because my surgery was cancelled unnaviodably last week and we now have to travel. I am really releived he will be able to be with me as we couldnt afford to pay for a hotel for him and we thought he would have to just drop me off and come home. I am already glad I choose the WLSgroup as my provider as they have bent over backwards for me and seem to really care that their service is a good one. I think I have everything ready. My Mum is going to have the kids and I just need to pack my bags and wait till tomorrow. My operation is not until the afternoon so we dont have to set off until 1pm which will be a bit strange but at least I will have a little bit of my birthday as the op has now fallen on the same day. Anyway, sorry for waffling on, just wanted to say thanks for everones support and I will still be here until tomorrow but may not get another chance to post so I will let you know how I get on.

Wish me luck :wave_cry:
Good luck Leesh! Hope that all goes wonderfully and you have a really speedy recovery and can enjoy some fab weight loss soon x Take care and all the best xx
Leesh, hope all goes well for you. My thoughts and prayers will be with you. Give yourself plenty of time as there have been a few hold ups on the motorway recently.

Good Luck Leesh, i hope all goes well x
good luck with everything Leesh, see you on the losers bench hun
Good luck and happy birthday sweetie... Have a great morning xx
Lots of love Leesh. I'll be thinking of you honey. And Happy Birthday too!

Do make sure you get there in plenty of time, I was held up on the M60 for nearly 3 hours last week. How far is it to travel honey?
Thank you all for your lovely supportive messages. I think I was just craving a bit of attention as not a lot of people know about my op so I have had to really play down my birthday and obviously people cant be supportive if they dont even know I am going into hospital. Thats why it is so lovely to get support here from you lovely people. I will give myself plenty of time thanks Charis, its only about an hour and a half away or so but my husband was also stuck in that traffic the other day so he will make sure we set of bright and early.

Getting a bit nervous now, panicked and dyed my hair at the last minute so it has gone a bit yellow at the roots!!! so feel a bit silly too as husband said it probably wasnt the best time ti be doing my hair. He was probably right!!!!
Good Luck tomorrow Leesh, talk about perfect timing, new birthday, new weightloss journey :D

Can't wait to hear back from ya, you'll be slim in no time :D
Happy Birthday for tomorrow hun and i wish you all the luck in the world for your band! il look forward to hearing how you get on youll be slim in no time xxx
More hugs pet. I wish I'd done my hair pre-surgery, I've just had it done last week because there was so much grey showing. Sleep tight. We'll hope to hear back from you soon hon. xxx
Well, Im going up to Sheffield tomorrow to have my band fitted. I really cant wait. The nice people at the WLS group have paid for my husband to stay at a nearby hotel because my surgery was cancelled unnaviodably last week and we now have to travel. I am really releived he will be able to be with me as we couldnt afford to pay for a hotel for him and we thought he would have to just drop me off and come home. I am already glad I choose the WLSgroup as my provider as they have bent over backwards for me and seem to really care that their service is a good one. I think I have everything ready. My Mum is going to have the kids and I just need to pack my bags and wait till tomorrow. My operation is not until the afternoon so we dont have to set off until 1pm which will be a bit strange but at least I will have a little bit of my birthday as the op has now fallen on the same day. Anyway, sorry for waffling on, just wanted to say thanks for everones support and I will still be here until tomorrow but may not get another chance to post so I will let you know how I get on.

Wish me luck :wave_cry:

Good luck :)
yea!! Im back.

All went well. Just feel a bit sore. Mr Ackroyd was lovely and complemented me on my liver (think he fancied me, hehe) and it all went really well with no complecations. feel a bit battered today but I am being well looked after so its not so bad. So glad its all over and done with.