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2nd time lucky

I'm glad it's all gone so well. Are you at home now honey?
Yes Im home Charis, its so nice to be at home.Just wish my two year old could understand why he needs to be gentle with Mummy. Bless him. He is a proper little roughian. Not had too much wind as yet so I was hoping I had got away with it, was pretty bad for a while when I came round but ok now. Dosnt feel like I thought it would. I thought I would be able to feel it inside me somehow butI cant. Glad about that though. I was trying to get them to sing happy birthday for me apparently when I came round! hehehe, has anyone else said anything silly that they can remember?
Hi Leesh

Glad it went ok. Did they sing happy birthday then lol?

Take care and rest as much as you can but have some walks to help if you do get the wind and keep your fluids up. x x x
yea!! Im back.

All went well. Just feel a bit sore. Mr Ackroyd was lovely and complemented me on my liver (think he fancied me, hehe)
Hi Leesh, I'm glad you're back despite the soreness. Are you sure he didn't have Hannibal Lecher qualities???Ha! Ha! Ha!

Hope the healing goes well.


He he. He did seem a bit too interested in my liver but thats sugeons for you eh? They didnt sing happy birthday to me no, I was a bit dissapointed really. They didnt laugh either but I suppose they have to act professionally. I think I was probably being a bit irritating really.

Anyway I feel much more like myself today apart from the fact that I have no interest in food which I am loving. I bet thats how thin people feel. I have to keep reminding myself to have something. Not like me at all.

I had the weirdest dream as well last night, which I think was caused by the pain killers. It was just like an out of body experience. I woke up and went looking for my husband as he was sleeping in a different bed and then I found that I could float around and then it turned into a really scary nightmare avery real and I could think just like myself. In the end I held my breath to wake myself up and it worked! My heart was going like the clappers and I went back to my husabnds bed. Dont care if he nudjes me!!! I have never experienced anything like it!

Sorry to bore you, other peoples dreams are boring, not having any more of those pain killers anyway.
glad all went well Neesh, Mr Ackroyd didnt compliment me on my liver, but then again he may have been a bit distracted as i didnt have any knickers on ;):eek:
lol i wish Mazza, he is so dishy!
so glad your all done and sorted out leesh huni, that weird dream of yours reminded me of when i had my first spinal op, i was mega high on all the morphine they were pumping into me, and i 'dreamed' that my bed was a sort of magic carpet but a bed!!!, and i went all around the hospital on this bed, in and out of wards, it was so weird, and cos it was being pumped in via a drip, i had no break from it, so it went on for about 48 hours, in the hdu i was in, it had its own phone, and my auntie rang me on it, and i thought i was in a tent, while i was talking to her,lol, it was so surreal, i was glad when i eventually went on to one of them pump things that you press yourself.
anyway, good luck and rest. big hugs xx
Thanks all, no more strange dreams since I stopped the silly painkillers. He he, that is funny about the knickers, bound to put him off your liver. He he, I dont think anything shocks them does it. When he came to see me the morning after (ever the gent) I was slumped on the bed in a very unusual position with my support stockings on show and talking rubbish so I dont think he fancied me then. Pitty!