New Member
hi and welcome to all the new ones who have found this site
wether u have had a band or bypass or about to have it done, or looking into it, i have had a bypass nearly a year ago and it is life changing to say the least, every1 is different and it affects different people in different ways, im no expert but ive now got it off to a tee with the eating plan lol, i did find the 1st 2 months the hardest as i expect any1 did whos had a bypass but i just want u all to know that it does get easier as time goes on and there are people on here who can help u all with questions u might have and they give good advice, it is worrying and it wont always be easy, some have had great aftercare and others not it all depends on your hospital, if i can be of any help to any1 then i will as it is a big decision to go ahead with it i will be as honest as i can, i didnt realise exactly how miserable i was until i lost nearly 8stone so far my life has changed 100% over the last year, at the moment im feeling really down as my mother who just so happens to be my best friend is very ill she hasnt got long left and im finding it very hard at the moment, she is so proud of me now but then again she always has been,
so if any1 wants any help or advice then id be glad to help u can mail me or if u have msn u can get me through that its [email protected] i have put it on here before and made new friends, so take care every1 lv georgina xxx