New Member
Hello E1
Well I am now 4 weeks post op and I weighed myself this morning to find that I not lost nothing this week, I did lose a 1lb to bring my weight loss total too one stone and then I regained that 1lb back
so all in all I have not lost nothing this week, which still brings my total too 13lb loss in 4 weeks which I am well happy about , and now being 4 weeks post op I can move onto other foods now (chicken and fish etc) I am nervous about trying it all but will give it a go all the same just gotta remember to chew,chew,chew,chew ( I sound like that sweet advert on the telly,lol)
Thanks in advance for your support and comments - All the best - MeJulie x x
Well I am now 4 weeks post op and I weighed myself this morning to find that I not lost nothing this week, I did lose a 1lb to bring my weight loss total too one stone and then I regained that 1lb back
Thanks in advance for your support and comments - All the best - MeJulie x x