Crustless quiche - yey! Lemon drizzle cake - boo! But still under 1200 calories and feeling pretty stuffed! Could have a liberte yogurt later if the munchies set in. NO MORE CAKE!
Crustless quiche - yey! Lemon drizzle cake - boo! But still under 1200 calories and feeling pretty stuffed! Could have a liberte yogurt later if the munchies set in. NO MORE CAKE!
I should rename this thread as "not so chirpy now"! I think I've had a pretty easy ride so far on this weight loss journey for which I am incredibly grateful. But this week I've had a huge wake up call. I've had no real stalls in 7 months and can eat pretty much anything - and there's the problem. My tastes haven't changed like some of you and I still have quite a sweet tooth. I don't dump and my sleeve is very forgiving of the fact that I still eat too quickly so gradually I am eating more of the wrong things and the calorie count is getting higher. And this week I put on a pound and a half after a particularly carb heavy weekend. I've been kidding myself that the amount of exercise I'm doing allows me to eat what I like (albeit smaller amounts) but evidently not. And now I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed by the fact that maintaining the new slimline me is going to take an enormous amount of effort. Yesterday was a real white knuckle day trying to avoid to many carbs and goodies. This is what the rest of my life is going to be like, isn't it. I guess I knew it but now I really know it and the honeymoon is well and truly over. Wish me luck
You beat me too it by a few. Was checking inSo purple. It's bed time. Howz your evening been?
Pippa My mini is 07725 419 003 x See you around one tomorrow in TGIf in Piccadilli station x