Well not been on here for quite a few months, I think time moves too quick these days.
I am now almost 2 years since my sleeve at SRH and have to say my life has completely changed for the better since surgery and I feel like a new person.
At my recent review they were very pleased with progress and as I had no problems was discharged from regular follow up but will continue annual bloods at GP and a postal review with hospital.
The highlight of last year was our sons wedding in July when I was able to wear a lovely dress and high heels (not done for 20yrs) and 'look a normal size' instead of fat/frumpy, the smile on my sons face when he saw me was worth every step of the journey and the look of shocked delight on my stepsons face when he saw me for first time in 4 years was a picture.
The highlight of the evening was a 'boogie' with my daughter in laws 80yr+ grandfather who had some energy for his age I can tell you.
Weight has been pretty static for past year fluctuating a pound here and there so think at 75.5kg I am finally where I am meant to be, not bad though considering at my highest I was 133kg.
Do I have any regrets? only one - I should have done it sooner otherwise no regrets at all.