Slim for 2009
Hate to ask this but here goes............. has anyone else suffered stomach pains when going to the loo??
I don't have constipation or the runs but have been getting really bad stomach pains when going to the loo. I am pretty tough but the pains today were really bad. As soon as i've 'finished' the pain stops.
I've spoken to the nurse and she says it's just my guts getting used to the new way of things and to take the pain killers I was discharged with as soon as I get up in the morning to prevent the pain.
Just wondered if anyone else had the same thing and how long it lasted?

I don't have constipation or the runs but have been getting really bad stomach pains when going to the loo. I am pretty tough but the pains today were really bad. As soon as i've 'finished' the pain stops.
I've spoken to the nurse and she says it's just my guts getting used to the new way of things and to take the pain killers I was discharged with as soon as I get up in the morning to prevent the pain.
Just wondered if anyone else had the same thing and how long it lasted?