Hi Alice, i have read your thread and followed how youve got on post op with interest, as i too am having my band done at dolan park, i was just wondering what size band you had as ive read on different forums that they come in all different sizes and if they do come in different sizes do you get to choose, by size i mean they hold different amounts of saline. Cant wait to have the op done now but have to say im a little worried having read of your treatment from dolan park would pay the extra and have it done elsewhere if i could but cant afford anymore than wga package, ive decided to go and see own gp to find out if i could get any support after op as my sister went to see hers and hes arranging dietician and allsorts for her after op. worth a try i suppose, also what vitamins would you recomend and painkillers for after op, thanks alot and hope to hear from you soon Cherry