New Member
My husband has just rang me to tell me he has a copy...can't wait until 6:30pm.
Read the mag today bonita , you have really gone through the mill babe , and to get to the end of it all and wish you had never had wls must be dreadfull, it will make a lot of people think twice about going down the wsl road x
They made that bit up. I have never said I regret getting it done, if you read through this thread you will see that I actually am glad I had it done dispite all the problems. Guess they have to make it sound
Hi Bonita
Your always saying you dont regret your op even after all your problems with your stomach, and you said how good it felt when everyone didn't recognise you at the hospital. It's just a shame the magazine couldn't have made it sounds good by saying everything they did but changing the article to be a "Wow what a life saver" article instead of a "dont do this look what happens article".
It would be such a shame if someone got put off what we all know is a risky but well worth it operation due to reading that magazine, and unfortunately those people don't get to hear all the good you say about life after and how good it is to be 6 stone lighter.
Honestly the media have such a cheek.
Oh well..... so how does it feel to be a celebrity now??? Has anyone stopped you in the street yet?![]()
Strawberry the whole idea of running it was to get people to sit up and realise that it really is a very difficult operation and not the easy way out. Yes I agree I wish they had taken the 'it's been a rough ride but boy I'm glad I got there route'. But although they didn't do that, they did get the message across.
Its not just the people that put you down (normally the thin onces) saying things like...'why can't you just go on a diet' etc that needed to realise how hard all this is, but also a lot of pre-oppers that genuinely think this is the easy way of losing the weight and the answer to all their problems.
I know they exist because I was one of them myself. Dispite doing as much research as I could I still thought 'have the op and lose the weight, simples'. But its not at all. There is very little pre-op and post op medical advice out there, other than whats on the forums and people do seem to turn a blind eye to the problems, its that old... Oh it will never happen to me syndrome.. That bugs me.
The last time I was in hospital there were three other bypass patients all of whom had post op problems. One had a bad internal bleed, another had a serious bowel problem and a third also had a wound problem like me. There were two other patients that were fine, but one has gone on to have problems keeping food down later on.
Thats what I'm trying to get across. be prepared and make sure that you make yourself as fit as possible pre-op. This is also the message that Topsy has been trying to get across too.
For some people (not all) it takes a long time to get over this operation and we should all be prepared for that, I certainly wish people had been truthful with me (especially the medical profession).
My aim has never ever been to put anyone off having their surgery and I certainly thought long and hard before starting this thread let alone going to the mags, because I was aware it might.
It would have been very easy to sit back saying all the right things to those that have it in front of them, but that would have made me a hypocrite and something I personally wouldn't have been comfortable with.
I am glad I had it done, no denying that, but I would be lying if I said there weren't times I have bitterly regretted it too. The journey is one hell of a rollercoaster with good up days and bad down days, twists and turns that you will all experience to a certain degree.
You say its a well worth it operation, and for some people I agree it is, I also agree that when someone says 'wow you look good for the weight loss' that feels good too, but then I have to go home and get undressed and see the mess they have left me in every day. I still can't sleep on my left hand side because its too painful to say nothing of what its done to my love life, thats not so pleasant and does get me down a lot.
I might try and come across as cheerful and for the most part I am quite bubbly and cheerful, but I can tell you, feeling as I'm feeling right now, if I could do it all again,I would have run as fast as I could in the other direction.
That will probably change again in a few days/weeks/months, who knows.
Anyway thats enough of me going on, just thought I'd get all that
I have just read the article Bonita and I am really disappointed in they way they have presented your story and YOU![]()
If they have misquoted you as much as they appear to have done then this should be made the subject of a serious complaint. THEY HAVE BEEN TELLING LIES ABOUT YOU TO SELL EXTRA COPIES OF THEIR MAG!!!!
We all know what a terrible time you had but the fact that they have turned it into a "shock! horror! don't mutilate your body!" tabloid story does you an enormous disservice. You are being sold to the public (on the front of a magazine) as someone who regrets her operation (which we know you don't) and as someone who used to be happy and is unhappy now because of her surgery (which we know is not the Bonita we know!)
You are an incredible inspiration to us all on here and we all love you. You have to stand up for yourself about this.
Sorry if I am sounding negative here, but this article was a freak show and you are no freak honey!!!!