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AAHHHH!!! Got my date through!!! :D :D :D

Im a mess, really! I keep crying, stop then start all over again. My future life long diet, the pain, none of that scares or worries me at all. I am petrified that I wont wake up! Please tell me im not the only one who feels/felt like this?
flick,im sure what you are feeling is common with those about to change his/her life just ride the wave and think about a better life you want for yourself, life does get better life WILL get better
It's completely common to feel that way but remember your in safe hands and you've done so well on your milk diet you've prepared your body for surgery! You will get through this then tomorrow when u wake up you'll think i don't know what I was worried about! X x
Flick it's perfectly ok to be like this and not unnatural at all! Personally I wasn't as I was more anxious over it being called off for whatever reason but then again I'm not normal :p
Just think this time tomorrow it will be all over. I have dusted the bench for your arrival :) xx
Getting ready to leave for hospital. I actually managed to fall asleep! Christmas movies are a great distraction technique.
No idea what time my op is :s Will find out soon enough I guess!
Good luck hun. Thinking of uxxx
Good luck flick you are almost there now :) xx
are you there yet! very good luck look forward to hearing from you soon x
I did it :D Well I didnt really do anything lol but im all bypassed and on the ward with my hubby :)
The op went without a glitch! Cant have been in long. Was gone 9 when I walked to theatre and I woke up at 1:30 :)
Congratulations Flick!!

I did it :D Well I didnt really do anything lol but im all bypassed and on the ward with my hubby :)
The op went without a glitch! Cant have been in long. Was gone 9 when I walked to theatre and I woke up at 1:30 :)

Yeeee haaaaa, here's to new beginningsxx
Yaayyyy well done flick and welcome to losers corner :)
Rest up now xx