So because ive got the surgery on the NHS...Im being cheeky by wanting a drink....I was merely asking...Im doing really well so far with losing weight thank you very much....I stuck to the food guidelines, lost 21lbs in 3 weeks, and my GP has seen me and is happy with my progress...
BUT because ive started a thread on a subject you obviously dont target my operation was NHS...and I havent paid for it...
Hmmm...seems like a bit of a slaughter of my character, when you dont know me, you know nothing about how im doing or anything.....regardless if ive paid or its nhs...its my body yes...and im doing very bloody well thank you.
I think if you have such a problem with alcohol, you should seek some advice..and not take it out on people who were merely asking a question to see some replies from others who had thought the same thing....
Im angry, wont deny victimisation from you and Karlos......