Hey lovelies,
I got home from Czech Republic tonight after my Gastric Sleeve operation last Friday.........
That means tomorrow is my One Weeeeek Post op!
I feel really well and happy, been trying to get as much fluid in as I can day by day and taking tablets absolutely fine (well reasonable sized ones anyway)
So far I'm tolerating- coffee w/ss milk, broth (no thick bits), watered down juices, also tried a fruit smoothie at the airport today and managed 100ml which went down fine- I watered it down a little and NAS Jelly which I enjoyed with it being a different texture to just fluids.
My provider suggested starting puréed next week but I think I will gently ease my self in with things like very runny blended veg mash and gravy and so how I get on and maybe increase to puréed. I understand each provider gets patients to follow different plans and lengths of each stage.
Doing my clexane fine myself although tomorrow is my last one- I administer injections at work but thought I'd find it scary doing it to myself but no I was absolutely fine-doesn't bother me.
I have one wound right in my belly button which is healing slower than the other 3 (4 in total). The other 3 are dry and healed-slightly red but no signs of infection. Suture removal on Tuesday and also have a patient discharge summary to hand to GP and request calcium chewables.
If there are any other questions you'd like to ask me then ask away, I'm happy to answer. Will update tomorrow with my one week weigh in!
Take care girls and guys,
Ps. I ordered a Nutribullet Cherry Red tonight which I pick up on Saturday! Only have the cheap version and if you have it on for more than 10 seconds it starts to slightly smoke and smell burnt so I'm ditching that one.
I got home from Czech Republic tonight after my Gastric Sleeve operation last Friday.........
That means tomorrow is my One Weeeeek Post op!
I feel really well and happy, been trying to get as much fluid in as I can day by day and taking tablets absolutely fine (well reasonable sized ones anyway)
So far I'm tolerating- coffee w/ss milk, broth (no thick bits), watered down juices, also tried a fruit smoothie at the airport today and managed 100ml which went down fine- I watered it down a little and NAS Jelly which I enjoyed with it being a different texture to just fluids.
My provider suggested starting puréed next week but I think I will gently ease my self in with things like very runny blended veg mash and gravy and so how I get on and maybe increase to puréed. I understand each provider gets patients to follow different plans and lengths of each stage.
Doing my clexane fine myself although tomorrow is my last one- I administer injections at work but thought I'd find it scary doing it to myself but no I was absolutely fine-doesn't bother me.
I have one wound right in my belly button which is healing slower than the other 3 (4 in total). The other 3 are dry and healed-slightly red but no signs of infection. Suture removal on Tuesday and also have a patient discharge summary to hand to GP and request calcium chewables.
If there are any other questions you'd like to ask me then ask away, I'm happy to answer. Will update tomorrow with my one week weigh in!
Take care girls and guys,
Ps. I ordered a Nutribullet Cherry Red tonight which I pick up on Saturday! Only have the cheap version and if you have it on for more than 10 seconds it starts to slightly smoke and smell burnt so I'm ditching that one.