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All Pre-Ops tomorrow


New Member
I have all my pre-op appointments together tomorrow - first the Spire for the nurse and then the dietician and then 6.20pm at the Alexandra with Mr Ammori.

Going to bed now to not sleep and toss and turn and worry all night lol.
Ahem.......happy tossing!........and turning!!!:D:D:D:D

no really, sleep well. I hope it all goes very well tomorrow. xxxxxxx
best wishes for tomorrow hun x
Thanks guys :D

I went to bed, red one chapter of my book and was asleep in seconds lol.

Nice and refreshed this morning and ready to go.
ive just seen this!!!!! goooooood luck sweetpea, tho you dont need it you ll be fine :) soooooo exciting :) xxxx right im getting my phone now to send my number you still ant it or have you someone?... xxxx
I have two number Kelly but it would be nice to have yours so I can let you know how I go on.

Jayne - will do hun, in graphic detail lol ;)
:)Enjoy the day Karen-
do you have a long list of questions?:)
I did Poppet but stupidly didn't write them down and now my mind has gone blank.

But ...

When was last outbreak of MRSA at the hospital?
How many incidents in the year previous to that?

And that's all I can remember just now.
I'm sure someone told me they'd NEVER had MRSA there-
so it's a good question-also is it still worth using Hibiscrub(shower gel) before going into hosp?
I'm also going to ask how long is the bypassed "bit"?
OK I'm all done and dusted. Very productive day :D

Saw Cath first (the nurse). She was really lovely and full of information. She weighed me, worked out BMI and went through everything possible. Then saw Jenny the dietician. Again really lovely and informative. Went through what I've eaten in past, what I can eat at various stages after surgery. Both gave me their cards and I can ring or email them at any time. Then had bloods taken - buckets of it lol.

Asked lots of questions but can't remember everything that was said. Luckily hubby can and it's all written in the literature I was given too. One thing that intrigued me is that they follow NHS guidelines and test all NHS referred patients for MRSA prior to admission. But they DON'T TEST PRIVATE PATIENTS UNLESS THEY IN THE AT RISK GROUP :eek: They've never had an incident of MRSA but I wonder how much of that is down to good luck.

So, then went for a lovely healthy tea in Didsbury and made our way over to the Alexandra to see Mr Ammori. Everybody was quite right - he's adorable. I told him he was a GOD on this site and he looked all bashful bless him - then said he would take good care of me (lol maybe he thinks I might give him a bad review otherwise).

He did say my stay would normally only be 1 night but as I had help at home for the children I could stay two nights if I wanted. I said yes please lol. I need the rest.

So I'm all set for Saturday morning. Apparently I'm first on the list to go down.