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All ready for the big smoke tomorrow .

All the very best Margaret. You will be in our thoughts. Make sure you write a blow for blow account of your experiences, I love reading those.
GOOD LUCK Margaret. You are in good hands with the team at Charing Cross. Will be thinking of you and looking forward and looking forward to you letting us know how you got on
Anyone heard from Margaret, she now will be done and dusted and taking her well deserved place on the losers bench xx
Wishing u a speedy recovery hun xx
Oooh Margaret I disappear for a couple of days and miss your big event.

I really hope all has gone well......actually, firstly I hope you managed to sort the cab out from the airport to charing cross lol...

But seriously, I wish you a speedy recovery and a warm (heated pads) welcome to the LOSERS BENCH

Hi Everybody
I`m all ready for the big smoke tomorrow . I leave home at 6.45am and my flight is out of Belfast at 10 past 11 . Believe it or not but I`m not nervous I`m calm and that's funny for me . Can I ask you all please to keep me in your thoughts on Tuesday that all goes well for me , thanks for that . I`ll be back home on Saturday and I`ll let you all know how I get on . Good luck and take care all .
Margaret xx
Great news John, thank you for the update!

Wishing Margaret a speedy recovery!

Love Mini xxx
Hi Everybody
Thanks for the good wishes . Well I got over on the 30th to Charing Cross to get my bloods done . I met the other woman from N.Ireland at the hospital said hi and all the rest . We were staying at the same hotel the Novotel 1 Shortlands West London it was very nice posh to posh for us riff rafe lol I can`t even think what time we got there . About 5pm I had a cheese and chives sandwich and that's all I ate but I drunk plenty of tea and coffee . Went to bed about 11 pm had a few hours sleep then went to the loo came back and started thinking had a wee cry and went back to sleep , not a bad nights sleep really . Got up about 5.45 Michael went down for breakfast while I got ready . Had a talk to my kids and Steven a few times , it was lovely talking to them on my big day . Well I got a shower I was ripping I couldn't wear my make up , hate being with out it . Waited for a taxi at the lobby it was late . Got to Charing Cross about 1/4 hour late said to the girl sorry and that was the start . I seen them taking the other girl from Belfast down on the bed , I don`t even know what time she went down at . The Anaesthetists Dr Jonathan Cousins came and called me , took me into a wee room and asked all the questions and said he was happy with me and sent me back out . Then the surgeon came out but it wasn`t Mr Ahmed I was a bit put back but Mr Torsten Olbers was really lovely . They had me down for a sleeve because of the heart but I told them that I phoned them a few times to say I wanted a bypass and he said he would be happy to give me one . I started smiling and said thanks very much , I asked when Id be going down and he said I`ll be after the woman that was great didn`t have to wait all day . We were talking to the other people I was trying to talk to everybody and find out all the craic about them and the surgery . The was a fella from London John he got there 10 to 7 and was told his surgery was canciled the day before but he wasn`t told until the day of the surgery lol he had to sit all day to see if they would fit him in but thank God he got done he got a bypass to . We were all sitting talking and this other fella came over and sat down so I said are you getting your surgery to day and he said yes , I said are you from Belfast and he said yes we didn`t see him on the plane . He was looking for a bypass but but they wouldn`t take the chance and he got a sleeve . The nurse came with the robes and said Margaret can you come and get changed , she said can you take everything off well I got changed and went back to sit down for a while . I said to Michael I`ll have to go to the loo and went the nurse came after me and asked where are you going Margaret I told her the loo and went I got in the loo and I forgot to take my pants off , I had to put them under my armpit to save anybody seeing them not a nice sight lol . Then the nurse came and said its your turn now Margaret we walked to the lift and the nurse said to Michael you can`t come down and he give me a hug and that was it . We got out of the lift and walked to the theater the was 6 and I said to myself which door do we go into well it was lucky number 6 . We went in the room and the Anaesthetist was waiting for me he said get into bed and I did it was 10 to 10 on the clock he was trying to get the needles into my veins no luck then bingo 5 to 10 he got it and was putting the stuff in and I woke up in the recovery room by a fellas voice saying wake up Margaret its all over . The Anaesthetist came and said everything went well I couldn`t thank him enough . The fella nurse that woke me up said you can go to the ward now that sounded good to me . When we got out of the lift I seen Michael coming over and said was everything ok and I said yes thank god . They took me to the ward and the nurse asked was I ok and I said yes did I have any pain and I said no I feel great , I said to her I could get up and walk around but she said wait about half an hour and you can then . I phoned the family and Conor, Gaynor and Steven to say I was ok and all went well . I sent some texts sorry for the spelling but the head wasn`t working to good . The nurse came back and said I could get up and walk about I told her I`ll have to put my own nightie and pants on , got them on and went for a walk came back and had a bit of pain and got some painkillers and I was fine . Sorry its a bit long but I`ll finish it tomorrow . Take care .
Margaret xx
Oh margaret i'm thrilled for you bet your so glad at last its all over. you've done the hard bit now it's time to reap the rewards! So glad your back, now put your feet up and take it easy!
Good luck Margaret have a good flight, and my thoughts and prayers will be with you Tuesday. I will be one day post op by then...............cant believe my ops tomorrow.
Like you I am feeling calm now after a wobble this morning
Look forward to hearing how you get on

Jay xx
Welcome home Margaret. Great to hear from you! Glad all went well and speedy recovery to you!