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Am so upset and angry

What a horrible thing to happen - so sorry you had to face it! I've had a few ignorant comments from people but none from my friends. Is she a pretty/thin person or someone used to attention? I had a "friend" who I found out was only friendly with me because she was thin and next to fat, stumpy me, she looked even better (that was the gist of it, anyways).
Either she's feeling anxious that you're going to look fabulous and draw the attention from her or she just doesn't want to see you happy for some reason.

Try to forget about it for a while though, and focus on Monday and the start of your new life :)
No she not that thin, but is unhappy at home, she used to hate it when I went out at weekends, but she chose that life! Have ignored and won't be texting her again, friends don't do that, I have other friends so her loss xx thanks everyone xx
two more sleeps :D
Bex, I'm really sorry that your so called friend thought it acceptable to publicly put you down.. keep focused on why your doing this, you've got to be comfortable with your decisions.. her opinion and that of others like her are not important!!

Good luck for Monday we will all be thinking of you. x
Sorry you had a 'friend' how is horrid glad your ignoring it sweetie. Good luck Monday x
OMG cant believe that she would say all that crap to you so close to surgery!! Your decision has been made, you have done your homework and you know this is what you want... her nasty opinion is a bit too late now and looks to me as though it was meant to upset you. At this late stage she should be giving support even if she doesnt agree with yoru decision.

Sounds like your over it now though hun so good on you. Only 1 more sleep Becky and your new life will begin. I'll be thinking of you tomorrow, cant wait to hear your on the road to recovery and sat next to me on the loosers bench. Big hugs Becks xxxx
Bex, let it go over ya head love , some people have no idea ,friends come and go love ,,,just worry about you and not small minded people who to be honest ,aint worth a second thought ,,gone!,,your doing this for you and noone else ,xxx keep strong and put you first love xxxxxxxxxxx
Oh Bexs I am so sorry that you have been so hurt and upset by that ignorant person. It is devastating when you are feeling vulnerable as we all are just prior to major surgery.

The other day we had a visit from a niece who we haven't seen for a while. Since we last saw her I have lost four stones and my poor husband, because of a course of steroids has put on three stones. She came in, looked at both of us and said to my husband, wow you have lost weight.

Sometimes even so called friends and family can leave us speechless at their nasty and spiteful comments. (((((hugs)))))
She has texted this morning and said she never meant to upset me, but too late, I won't forget that now! Xx
I would have deleted the comment and said nothing - sometimes less is more and makes a big statement!!! You are going to begin the best journey of your life tomorrow and you wont look back!! I have had my one allowed "blip" and am back and focussed now - you have lots of friends on here who are there for you - sometimes new friends are the best xx now get packing and get a good sleep before your long journey xx

We have spent our lives having comments made to us by friends, family colleagues and strangers who think that, because we are overweight,it is ok to say things they would never consider saying to anyone else.

We spend our days appearing to brush it off and our nights beating ourselves up that, we are terrible people who somehow deserve what is served up to us gor the crime of being overweight.

When the crunch comes we've been yested and scrutinised to within an inch of our sanity to get to the point of acceptance for surhery and need all the support we can get. At the same time we can do without the criticism.

I say turn to those who are supportive and ignore those who can't be positive until such time as you are well enough to deal with them - and if that's in a few months time, so be it. Use your energy to come through the surgery and heal afterwards.

Take care and good luck,

Id be deeply annoyed like i assume you are, but boy would it motivate me!!! Use it to show her how you've turned it around. She's right it is all about diet and exercise its just you have taken a tool to help you! Oooh some people!!

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hopelesscase said:
ignore the cheeky biatch. thats no friend but oone very jealous cow who is scared because your going to look better than her... people who are ugly inside never look good on the outside!! rise above it you are so much better!!

I tend to agree. If she really was concerned friend she certainly wouldn't be sending this as a FB message. You do what you feel is right for you. You are the one who is living this not her xx

Just put on my face book one more day and a friend of mine put, if i ate out as much as you i would need a gastric band, was so upset, then she messaged me this - am crying here

"You are going to risk a general anesthetic for gastric surgery, being over weight puts your life at risk xxx serious beck if i wasnt your mate i would'nt care - but excersise and not eating **** will give you a body to die for, why are you having this op, you will be left with loads of loose skin!

Do i just ignore her or reply, so upset !

If it was me,i would either

1.Have a friend who has just gone down in my estimation


2. Have an Ex-Friend

Only my Opinion of course.:)

Andy xx
You know, as I've been reading through all your replies Bex, I've been reminded of a friend of mine who simply wrote "don't do it" on my face book wall. Now, the guy who wrote it is also on the cuddly side, so I know it was real concern and not jealousy that sparked his reaction. What I did was wrote him a long inbox message, bearing my soul, explaining my reasons fully and stating clearly that I had done 3 years of research and was fully aware of all risks etc . . . At that point he understood and offered his full support.
Now I'm not saying that in your case it would be easy to do anything like this, especially so close to your op, but, they do say that time is a great healer. And while you'll never forget what this girl has said and how it has hurt you so much, over time you may find it hurts less, and you may feel able to talk to her again. If you reach that point at any time, may I suggest total honesty?? Tell her all the 'hows and whys' of the situation??
And maybe, once she sees you slim, gorgeous and glowing with health, she might understand. Or maybe not. I don't know. But all I can say for sure is that you have lots of support from people who do understand right here.

Wishing you all the very best of luck for tomorrow(?) xxxxxx
Stuff anybody who's not behind you if they was true friends they would be happy for you and supported you ?
i agree with everyone above, this person is not your FRIEND.... my friends offered to lend me the money if the NHS didnt comethrough!!! not necessary..but appreciated. a friend wants u around for
ever. yes for those people who can, exercise and eating well is the way to do it!! but as with any addiction we need help, GOOD LUCK for monday , never look back, and give a 1 digit salute to 'friends' like this xx