Thats a relief, thanks for confirming that with me Yve. Just having my first latte of the day now

.Can't see me ever getting to those levels of protein intake

Not without supplementing anyway but I suppose that will come post bypass. Right now I have to learn portion control which has been easy really apart from the calorie intake... I don't think the dietician on monday really took it seriously that I was eating so little and in fairness I didn't press it home as my logic was telling me that on my intake I should be losing! Now after trawling the Internet and talking on here I realise that is not the case at all. I have meticulously logged everything that I have put in my mouth so I know my calculations are spot on. Anyhoo a new day a new target lets just see how it goes from here... Thank you so much Yve for your info it has been invaluable :553: