Hi Wendy, it is not selfish to want to resolve your issue with weight. If diets worked none of us would have had WLS. I am 41 I started dieting at 14 I was 10stone and did not really need to loose weight I was a size 12, if only I knew then what I know now right

And I can assure you that was the last time I ever seen a size 12. All dieting did was make me feel deprived and put me on the edge of a spiral that I just kept going down and down and faster and faster and before I knew it I was 18 and 13 stone, then 21 and 16 stone then for the next 12 years yoyo'd between 13.9 stone and 17.2 at my heaviest. Then when I had my youngest I reached an all time high of 19.9 and since I had him I have only been able to reach 17.10 on my own and you got it put it all back on again.
You know why? Because the cycle of on and off dieting messes your body. It is a rollercoaster ride and I for one want to get off. I do not want to be reaching 20 stone in 6 months time or 21 stone in a year. It is not selfish for me or you to want to take this money and time and get it fixed once and for all.
For years I put off surgery thinking ''I can do this on my own'' and 2 months ago I said to myself, ''well here we are 6 months into the year and I am not a pound lighter than 6 months ago infact I am several pounds heavier. That is when I put all my doubts about surgery aside and decided to jump off the cliff and give it a go. What did I have to loose? I have been there, done that with every diet and piece of excercise equipment on the planet, bike, walker, vibro plate...you name it I have done it.
The reason I finally thought it could work is I can diet great guns but when I don't see results I say ''why bother'' and packets of biscuts were my best friend again. This time when I have restriction I am hoping that when I do not see results I cannot just throw in the towel because I have the band and be forced to stay on track, which I fail to do on my own.
Even I gained a pound last week but still stayed on track, still ate by the book because I have paid all this money, I do have scars on my body and I am not having them just to cheat myself, what position would I leave myself in then?
So please do not think it selfish to want this madness to end. £5000 is a lot of money it is certainly not an amount I have to throw about willy nilly. But there is nothing it could buy, that my family could spend it on that would mean more to them than me getting myself sorted out. And yes they love me exactly as I am but it is about loving myself. And in loving ourselves we have to take the time and energy to heal to get out of this cycle we are in.
I wish I could have had in on the NHS but it is a lottery and I see people with less weight than me to loose and I think how did they get funding and I did'nt. But life is not fair and I needed to part with hard earned money and if I think about the amount I have spent on ''treats'' over the years or in years to come then it far exceeds £5000.
I am sure your family want for you what you want for yourself and if surgery is it then you go for it. You do not want to live with regret or what if, just do it if it is truly what you want. Money will come and go but your health is priceless