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I so pissed of with being told I'm taking the easy way out and its ok for "fat people" that have wls that wer all lazy and should get of are backside and do something about being over weight and im using tax payers money because I'm to lazy. Well not any more if one more person trys and put me down then god help them.

What makes me laff is if your at the other end of the bmi scale and under weight its poor you, and what ashame, there is nothing you can do its a mental illness( that's not calling under weight people).

Do these small minded people realy think I wanna look like this on perpos. Are they so think have you ever considered we have mental battles too over come as well!

Sorry for the rant but needed to off load ! Wish I could make people see that being over weight is not all ways a choice and that I have battled all my life trying to over come it and am I so rong in asking for help! :mad:
I so pissed of with being told I'm taking the easy way out and its ok for "fat people" that have wls that wer all lazy and should get of are backside and do something about being over weight and im using tax payers money because I'm to lazy. Well not any more if one more person trys and put me down then god help them.

What makes me laff is if your at the other end of the bmi scale and under weight its poor you, and what ashame, there is nothing you can do its a mental illness( that's not calling under weight people).

Do these small minded people realy think I wanna look like this on perpos. Are they so think have you ever considered we have mental battles too over come as well!

Sorry for the rant but needed to off load ! Wish I could make people see that being over weight is not all ways a choice and that I have battled all my life trying to over come it and am I so rong in asking for help! :mad:

Not sure if it will ever really change, unfortunately its easy to state the obvious ''eat less & do more'', which is the facts but obesity is also mental not just physical hun - best to steer clear of challenging conversations that make ppl confrontational, you will always ultimately have to face that as far as many are concerned that life threatening illnesses that are no fault of the individual eg cancers/heart etc should take priority over an illness that is caused by putting to much food inside ones mouth (obv I say it from an on the fence position). Its mainly lack of knowledge about what obesity really is as an illness that is the problem hun xxx