Hi Everyone
I thought I'd up date whats been happening since my band.
Its been 12 days now and I am feeling on top of the world so I can now be honest and tell you about my last 12 days!
The day I came out of hospital I was bruised, uncomfortable and slighty "I'm fine" to everyone but was feeling horrible.
By the next day I felt like I had been kicked in the guts by a donkey and wished I hadn't had it done. I don't know why I regreted it, I think i just felt sorry for myself as the day after i was feeling much better. I had people coming to see me which i was excited about as I was so bored stuck in doors on my own. I got dressed and that made me feel better in itself! I was struggling with what to eat, it was boring, although I wasn't very hungry. I was craving sausages! God knows why. But I was! I was looking through the freezer at what i couldn't bloody eat and saw some Aunt Bessie stuffing balls. They were Sausage meat stuffing balls! Da daaaaaa!!!!
I made some gravy for dinner and microwaved a stuffing ball and mashed it into the gravy and left it to soak up as much moisture as poss whilst it cooled down. I mixed it about a bit and then had a mouthful. Oh my God, pure heaven on a spoon, I **** you not, at that point this was the BEST thing I had ever tasted! I ate about half with the gravy and waited for the belly ache. I knew I'd been bad as I'd been told nothing that wouldnt go up a straw for 2 weeks, although I did rinse it through my teeth as much as I could be I swallowed it! I didn't get a belly ache! i didn't get an upset tummy, I just felt saticfied! No more cravings, that had hit my savoury G-Spot and it was brilliant!
By day 5 I felt almost normal, I was still bringing up a lot of wind and hadn't got my number 2's sorted but I was feeling better than I had expected. By day 7 a week after the op I had been to the toilet properly, the bloated feelings had gone and I was even able to sleep on my front where I am most comfortable. I even put some tunes on and had a bit of a boogie in the kitchen! God knows what i looked like, stiff as a board around the middle and arms flying everywhere!
The only thing I have really missed over the liquid period was strong flavours. That is something I am doing now, searching for the fullest flavours for my little mushy meals! I have coped with the portion sizes and when to stop eating well, but I miss gulping drinks! I am a big drinker, no wait, i was! I miss getting to the bottom of a cup of coffee before it gets cold! I'm bang on Oveltine at the minute as well, thats a nice filling thing to drink too. I ofter have one of those when i get up in the morning as I'm still not finding tea a very nice taste since the op? Very weird, it was my favourite before that! Still, less milk in take I suppose! Capri-sun's have been my best friend and I went to Morrisons the other day and they had 2 boxes for £3.50! Lovely, I bought 4 boxes! My kitchen looks like the Capri-Sun factory!
i got my dogs Stella and Buddy back today, they have been staying at my mum and dads since the night before my op. i just couldnt chnce them jmping on my belly as I live alone and wasn't too mobile for the first few days and I know they would have mullered me! But like i say, today I feel completely back to normal and my belly is healing beautifully! I'm using my tummy muscles more now and I can feel them aching but I know Im not doing any harm! I'm looking forward to being able to start excersising now and going swimming!
I have been weaning off my anti-depressants for the past few months and now I have come off of them completely. What I have done has made my quite emotional this week, i could have burnst into tears about 3-4 times since the op, but not in a bad or depressed way, in an over whelming feeling way! Which is good! I know I have turned my life around for the better and I am in sch a better place mentally than I was only 4 months ago.
Facing my demons like this has been a massive challenge and now I know what people meant when they told me I was brave to do it!
My weight loss progress has lifted me up and I dont feel half as sluggish as I did a month ago. I look in the mirror and see a different person everyday!
This time 6 months ago, I was longing for a baby. I wanted one no matter what the cost, i was willing to go straight out as a single parent as long as I had the baby I had longed for for so many years. I now know that I was looking for something to love so that I didn't have to address the fact that I didn't love myself. I knew a baby would love me no matter what I weighed or looked like. I now know that when i have a baby, i will have he or she being the best that i can be for it.
I'm very excited about the rest of my life!